

Do all spiders spin webs

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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No. Not all Spiders have the ability to spin webs. That's because not all spiders are capable of making silk. Those spiders that do not spin webs for a living to survive use many other tactics to catch their prey. This includes the Wolf Spider that stalks and pounces on it's victim like a cat. The Trap Door Spider lives up to it's name by making a home underground where it hides. With a foilage of leaves, grass, and twigs that this spider created, its prey has nearly no chance of escaping. Why? By the time the Trap Door Spider lunges at its victim it is too late. (for the victim) There are thousands to millions of spiders that use many other tactics to catch prey besides spinning a web. Even some that haven't been discovered yet.

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Lvl 6
4y ago

Not all of them. In fact, only a portion of spiders catch bugs this way. Many spiders eat on the run, catching snacks with their quick speed. All tarantulas catch bugs with their hands; tarantulas CAN produce silk, but they're way too big to walk on webs.

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14y ago

do all spiders spin webs? I have been told tarantulas do not spin webs.

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Spiders have 8 legs. Spiders spin webs. Spiders can walk. I hope this helped

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Not all spiders spin webs to catch their food with. Among them are the wolf spider, trapdoor spider and the jumping spider.