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no they can not

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Q: Do all three species of warbler share the same niche?
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Do all three species of warblers share the same tree?

Up to five different species of warbler can occupy the same niche. They appeared to assume identical roles in the same community.

What 3 things make up a niche?

spatial or habitat niche, trophic niche, and hyper volume or multidimensional niche.

What are three endangered spieces?

Giant panda, tiger, Amur leopard, Bachman's warbler.

What is the name of a small songbird four letters starting with 'w'?

Willow Warbler, Waxwing, Whimbrel, Wigeon, Woodcock.

What is the niche of a bat?

Bats have three different majors niches, depending on the species. Most bats hold the niche of pest controllers, flying at night to eat insects such as mosquitoes, moths, beetles, etc. There are also a number of bat species that eat fruit, and some are pollinators, meaning they drink nectar for food but spread pollen between flowers, fertilizing them.

What is the endangered animals of Illinois?

There are three. 1) The Golden-cheeked Warbler. 2) The Gray Myotis. 3) The Indiana Bat.

What is a three letter word ending in 'he'?

bathe cache fiche lathe niche ruche tithe ... among others I think they wanted three letters total. If so: grep '^.he$' /usr/share/dict/words | nl 1 che 2 rhe 3 she 4 the

How is an organisms niche determined?

A organism's niche determines three different things. The three things that are determined are where the organism lives, where it is on the food web and the food the organism eats.

What are the three species of monotremes?

There are just three species of monotreme: the platypus, the short-beaked echidna and the long-beaked echidna. Of the three species, the long-beaked echidna is the largest.

What bird is small black and white found in south carolina?

Carolina chickadee, slate colored junco, black and white warbler are three.

What the heck is the niche of a cuttlefish?

The niche of a cuttlefish is in the sand and mud substrate in shallow waters up to three to 86 meters. Cuttlefish usually will walk on the ground.

Species of zebra?

There are three species of zebra. The three species are: the plains zebra, the grevy's zebra, and the mountain zebra.