

Do alligators fight sharks

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Alligators do not fight sharks.

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Q: Do alligators fight sharks
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Do alligators eat sharks?

No. Alligators live in fresh water, sharks live in salt water.

How does the brown pelican not get eaten?

It does, by sharks and alligators/crocodiles

How does the brow pelican not get eaten?

It does by Sharks and Alligators/Crocodiles

Do most moats have sharks or alligators?

A moat could possibly have alligators or sharks depending on the type of water.Take your moat to be freshwater; it could possibly have alligators or bull sharks, probably it has nothing bigger than a carp.However take your moat to be saltwater; there is a much larger variety of sharks that could inhabit it (bull sharks included again) but no alligators. I don't know of any saltwater moats, but they probably have nothing bigger than a goby. If the case is that you are considering swimming in a moat, do not hesitate. But watch out for boats.

What animal eats the white pelican?

Sharks, Alligators, and Crocodiles

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What is the difference between an alligator and iguana?

Some differences between alligators and sharks are:Sharks are fish and alligators are repriles.Alligators have legs and sharks do not.Sharks live in oceans and alligators live on land/water.Sharks have gills and alligators have lungs.

How are sharks and alligators alike?

there not, stupid they love each other though

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alligators, crocidiles and sharks

Are there crocodiles or alligators in Thailand?

Sharks are water based animals. The waters near Thailand have sharks, the country never sees them on land unless they are dead or dieing.

What eats dusky dolphins?

supream whales alligators, and depending on size, sharks

What trait do crocodiles and alligators share with sharks?

There brain look similar.