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They can it depends on how dominant the buck is and whether there are other bucks around.

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Q: Do angora buck goats smell as strong as other breeds?
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Is goat a wool yielding animal?

Yes. Some breeds of goats produce wool. Angora goats produce mohair, and other breeds produce cashmere wool.

Do rabbits give us wool?

Goats do not produce wool - sheep do. Only certain breeds of goat produce fibre - cashmere goats produce cashmere and angora goats produce mohair - the amount of fibre produced depends on the goats size, age and nutrition.

What can be made from angora?

Angora is wool!!! Can be on other animals like goats rabbit and cats.

Where else does wool come from?

Wool is only produced by sheep - other animals produce fibre - cashmere goats produce cashmere, angora goats produce mohair and angora rabbits produce angora.

How many sources of wool?

Wool is obtained from sheep and certain other animals, including cashmere from goats, mohair from goats, qiviut from muskoxen, angora from rabbits, and other types of wool from camelids

How do angora rabbits get their food?

Angora rabbits get their food in the same way as other rabbit breeds. Generally, Angoras are not wild, so they are usually given food and they ingest it through their mouths. In the unusual case that an Angora was wild, it would forage for grass, leaves, or other greenery and ingest the food through its mouth.

How long do fainting goats live?

Fainting goats live around the same amount of time as other breeds of goats, which is between 10 and 12 years. They also require the same type of nutrition as other types of goats.

Is Mohair synthetic?

No it's not. It is produced using the hair from Angora goats. That can then be blended with other material such as cotton or silk to produce clothing or upholstery fabric.

What animals give us wool?

Wool is primarily from sheep. Other animals give us other types of wool : Cashmere or pashmina is collected from Cashmere Goats. Lamb's wool is collected from lambs (young sheep). Camel Wool is collected from camel. Mohair is collected from Angora goats.

Angora goat in other languages?

angora goat

How did goats come to North America?

AnswerThe history of goats in North America began with the arrival of Spanish explorers and settlers in the 1500s. English settlers brought a few goats to New England beginning in the 1600s. These two types accounted for most of the goats found in North America until the time of the Civil War. These goats had little market value and were never recognized as distinct breeds.In the mid-1800s, goat production in the United States began to change. The importation of several goat breeds from Europe increased the breadth of genetic resources available. Angora goats were imported to the United States beginning in the 1850s, and Texas became the center of mohair production. Importation of improved European dairy breeds, including the Toggenburg, Saanen, French Alpine, and Nubian, began about 1900. Diary production from these breeds far exceeded that of the Spanish and English goats, and these historic types were rapidly crossbred or replaced. The Old English goat became extinct in North America, and it was only in the southeastern and southwestern United States that pure Spanish goats survived.Recently imported cashmere goats have been crossed with Spanish goats to increase the production of fiber. Boer goats from south Africa have been imported and crossed with Spanish, Tennessee Fainting, and other breeds to improve meat production. The resulting offspring demonstrate the commercial and biological value of hybrid vigor from the use of two unrelated breeds. At the same time, crossbreeding poses a threat to the survival of Spanish and Tennessee goat breeds, both of which are unique to the United States.

What are the types cat?

Among domestic breeds, Siamese, Angora, Persian, Assyrian, Bengal, Manx, Himalayan,domestic Shorthair, Maltese, Russian Blue..There are many other breeds..Check out Cat Fanciers Society website.