

Do cats eat kitten placentas

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Yes, most cats will. In fact, a lot of placental mammals will eat the placenta just after the offspring is born. This gives the mother extra nutrients she greatly needs after giving birth, but also to get rid of the evidence and smell as to not attract predators.

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Q: Do cats eat kitten placentas
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Did you hurt the mom cat by throwing away kitten placentas?

Not really. The mother cat will usually eat the kitten placentas and will, as a result, get back a small amount of the protein she has expended in creating the kittens. But there is nothing special about the placentas, and depriving the mother cat of them will not hurt her.

Why the cats eat their kitten?

They do not eat kittens.

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Dog puppies have their own placentas. If the litter is 4 pups, then there will be 4 placentas (afterbirths).

Do mother cats eat their kitten if they die?

Of course not.

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dogs can eat cats if not eat them hurt them like chewing on them. but you can train it to act friendly and be nice to the cat.

What baby cat eat?

Baby cats don't eat because they can't open their mouth yet

Do baby cats just eat cat food?

Not really, they eat kitten food, you can buy it at vet centers or at the average supermaarket... :D

What is a male kitten called?

Un-altered male cats are called Tom Cats.

How does a cat and a kitten survive?

They eat, drink and shelter in places like trees and bushes unless they are house cats.

How are cats formed?

cats are formed by the two cats breeding to get a kitten.

Can cats have puppies?

ummm no! cats are cats dogs are dogs. cat+ cat = kitten. a cat ,may have a kitten tha looks like a puppy but its not.

My shitzu keeps wanting to lick my new baby kittens bottom and barking at it im scared that the dog might eat it Do dogs eat kitten?

Yes dogs can eat cats and if not eat them hurt them like chewing on them but you can train a dog not to eat cats. I have a shtzu X, and she loves cats, but doesn't know how to play gently with them . I have to keep telling her, it's a baby, be gentle. If your dog doesn't go after cats, just don't let them play unsupervised, and keep petting the kitten and saying " IT's a BABY! , be gentle."