

Do chickens eat black widow spiders?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Not really, because black widow Spiders are poisonous.

^That answer is not true! Chickens love all kinds of spiders. The spider is only poisonous if it bites the chicken. The problem is the BW spider usually comes out at night when the chickens can't see well in the dark. :( So unless the spider is out in the open during the day, the chickens probably won't eat it.

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Q: Do chickens eat black widow spiders?
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How does a black widow spider eat?

Yes in fact the only thing alive that can eat a black widow is a dog and cat because some thing about them can handle it but if anything else eats one they will die very soon so make sure if you have an animal don't let it eat one but if you have a cat or dog it's fine.

Why do spiders eat their husbands?

Because she's hungry. Most spiders are cannibals and will eat each other if the opportunity arises. However, the only Black Widow species where the female has been observed to eat its mate is Latrodectus mactans, the "southern black widow". And even in this species, it does not always occur.

What spider eats what spider?

The black widow spider usually eats the male spider after they mate, unless they give the female a"gift which is something good to eat wrapped in silk. That is why they are called black widow spiders

What are facts black widows?

The Black Widow spider is the most poisonous spider in North America, but only the adult female. The female Black Widow is easy to recognize (if you care to get that close) by the red hourglass shape on the underneath part of her abdomen. She has a shiny black body with various types of red markings on the top, depending on the species. There are about five species of Black Widow spiders in North America. The black widow will grow to about 8-10mm. Black Widows will lay up to 400 eggs at a time, but they are known to be cannibals, which means that they will eat each other. The Black Widow has unfairly earned a bad reputation for wanting to eat her mate. She will only eat her mate when she mistakes him for a meal! The silk of this spider is known to be the strongest of all silk. The Black Widow spider does not spin the pretty webs, instead she will spin the thick jumbles looking cobweb. These webs catch beetles, flies, grasshoppers, moths and other spiders. These spiders, although a little scary, have enemies, as well. A few wasps can sting and paralyze, before eating the Black Widow. She is also a favorite food of the Praying Mantis. Some birds will eat these spiders but could end up with an upset stomach from her poisons. The bright red markings on her belly will warn possible predators that she is a nasty meal.

Do mud daubers eat black widows?

Yes. I just saw a mud dauber flying around and landing with a black widow underneath it. I was googling around for the same answer and learned that mud daubers eat spiders which explained what was going on.