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of course the anwser is yes

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Q: Do dogs ears keeping growing as they get older?
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Which height of dogs is the best of hearing big or small?

Big dogs to because their ears are bigger and they're older. Also because they probably heard it before.

DoCking a 9 month dogs ears?

There is no age limit to when you should dock your dogs ears. it is perfectly fine to crop your dogs ears even when they are fully grown. some vets may not do it because it will be a longer procedure but im sure there is a vet that would do it. some people even get their dogs ears crop when they a few years old. the only difference from when their older is that the taping would have to be on longer and the healing may take some time

Can cats hear better then dogs?

New Answer:Yes, cats can, because they can pick up higher frequences than dogs. Usually, dogs sniff out their food, while cats use hearing to pinpoint theirs. (If it is alive, otherwise cats wouldn't be able to hear their food bowls.)Original Answer:Yes, cats don't have drooped ears and they can swivel their ears in any direction sound is coming from.Yes, cats don't have drooped ears and they can swivel their ears in any direction sound is coming from.this is untrue because there are dogs that have pricked ears that hear better than cats and dogs that have drooped ears are fantastic sniffer dogs and can lift there ears up to hear things but arent as good hearers as the other dogs and drooped ears are good for keeping water out of their ears.YOU PROBABLY DONT EVEN HAVE DOGS. SO HOW WOULD YOU KNOW!(?)

Does a horses ears keep growing all their lives?

No a horses ears unlike a humans ears do not keep growing with age.

Is there any way to shrink large ears or stop them from growing How can I make my ears smaller?

Your ears and nose never stop growing.

Are pig ears harmful to dogs?

No, pig ears are a good chewing treat for dogs.

What are the long white hairs on Koalas ears for?

Keeping its ears warm.

Who has better ears dogs or cats?


Why do mens ears keep growing?

It is not just men's ears that keep growing, everyone's ears and noses continue to grow. This is caused by the fundamental forces of gravity.

Why do dogs and cats move their ears. How does the shape of their ear help them to hear sounds?

dogs and cats move their ears to hear from where the sound id comming.the ears of cats and dogs are out so when the sound waves hit the outside of the ears it rebounds back into the ears.

Do dogs have long or short ears?

It depends on what dog you are talking about. There are dogs with short ears but most have ears bigger than those of humans.

Do your ears stop growing?
