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No, gills need a large amount of blood to dump oxygen into. It is the same reason why the human heart is located under the left lung. No need to fear

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13y ago

No, fish have a single loop circulation.

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Q: Do fish have a double loop circulation system?
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Fishes have a double-loop circulation system?

A fish does not have a double-loop circulatory system, but only a single circuit. Its 2-chambered heart consists of 1 atrium and 1 ventricle.

Why does oxygenated blood reach the muscles and organs more rapidly in amphibians than it does in a fish?

Fish have a "single loop" circulation and Amphibians have a "double loop" circulation.

Compare between single loop circulation and double loop circulation?

well you see a single loop circulation only goes through the heart and body one at a time meanwhile a double loop circulation does it all at the same time ,,, suss

What is meant by double circulation system?

A double circulatory system is also known as a double-loop circulatory system. This system contains two distinct pathways for blood to flow through the body. In most creatures, this consists of the loop between the lungs and heart, and the loop between the heart and body.

What type of vertebrate has single looped circulation?

Fish have single-loop circulation.

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Brown bear have a close circulation system

What animals have single circulation?

Fish have single-loop circulation.

What type of circulatory system do animals that use lungs for breathing have?

A circulatory system that involves the lungs is referred to as a double circulatory system. This is opposed to a single loop circulation that fishes have.

Double loop circulatory system?


Why do some organisms have a 1 loop pathway and others have a 2 loop pathway for circulation to and from the heart?

It has to do with evolution, and what is more efficient for different organisms. Humans have a septum in their heart to divide the blood paths, and therefore have a double loop (oxygenated and oxygenated paths). A fish does not have lungs, but instead utilizes counter current exchange (the blood runs in one direction and the inflow of oxygen the opposite, to maximize the amount of oxygen picked up by the blood). Many mammals have a double loop system, in order to bring oxygen to cells faster.

What is the circulation of a turtle?

They have a 2 loop circulatory system with 2 atria and 1 ventricle.

Do amphibians have a single loop circulatory system?

no they have double loop circulatory system but the difference is that they have single ventricle.