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False. Why? Because here's an example. One type of Flagellate lives in the intestines of termites. There, they digest the wood that the termites eat, producing sugars for themselves and for the termites. In turn, the termites protect the protozoans.


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Q: Do flagellates living in symbiosis always harm the animal in which they live in?
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Do flagellates living in symbiosis always harm the animal they live in?

False. Why? Because here's an example. One type of Flagellate lives in the intestines of termites. There, they digest the wood that the termites eat, producing sugars for themselves and for the termites. In turn, the termites protect the protozoans. CREDITS TO: North Carolina 8TH GRADE PRENTICE HALL SCIENCE EXPLORER

Do flagellates living in symbiosis always harm the animal in which they live?

False. Why? Because here's an example. One type of Flagellate lives in the intestines of termites. There, they digest the wood that the termites eat, producing sugars for themselves and for the termites. In turn, the termites protect the protozoans. CREDITS TO: North Carolina 8TH GRADE PRENTICE HALL SCIENCE EXPLORER

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