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Guinea pigs generally, like any other pet, should be bathed to keep clean and germ free. using a special small animal shampoo and warm water in a tub (preferably deep because they like to jump out) you can give them a quick bath. try not to get soap and/or water in their ears, eyes or mouth. on colder days after their bath guinea pigs should not be left wet; using a brush and blow dryer you should gently dry their fur. Bath your guine pig/s at least once per month.

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Do guinea pigs like to have baths?

Some guinea pigs will struggle when being bathed but ignore unless squeaking or in pain! Others enjoy being in water and can even swim!

Can you use seventh generation dish soap to wash guinea pigs?

No try using baby soap to wash them. Guinea pigs really dont need bathed though because they are like cats and they groom themselves.

Are guinea pigs allowed to be bathed?

Yes, guinea pigs can be given a bath. In fact you should bathe your guinea pigs once every one to two months- just be sure to use specially fortified guinea pig or rabbit shampoo when doing so.

Ive just got a baby guinea pig should i give him a bath?

Guinea pigs shouldn't be bathed too often but you can buy a small animal shampoo from a pet supply store and bathe them in a sink with warm water.

Where do guinea pig orignate from?

Guinea pigs originate from South America, like in Chile and Argentina. They were and are often raised for food.

What does cooked guinea pig look like?

Bruned guinea pigs and dead guinea pigs.

What spots do guinea pigs like to be pattted?

Most guinea-pigs like to be gently scratched on the back of their necks - this often elicts 'purring' from them. They also like to be stroked along their backs, but again, not too hard as it can hurt them.

How old are guinea pigs?

guinea pigs can live up to 8 years old i should know i have had like 8 guinea pigs!

Do guinea pigs eat maggots?

No, guinea pigs tend to stick to fruits and vegetables.

How long are guinea pigs?

Just like humans, guinea pigs vary in size :)

What is a guinea pigs domain?

Like all animals, guinea pigs are in the Eukaryota domain.

Can you put chinchilas and guinea pig on play dates?

No, guinea pigs only like guinea pigs. Sorry...