

Do honey bees make hives in the ground?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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honey bees only make hives in trees and I see bees in the eves of the roof. honey bees only make hives in trees and I see bees in the eves of the roof.

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Q: Do honey bees make hives in the ground?
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What do bees do in their hives?

They make honeycombs that's where you get honey from.

What can beewax be used for?

It is used for making hives,bees not only make honey they also make beewax for hives

Why do bees make bee hives?

Obviously bees don't make the hives - humans do that. The hives we see today were designed to make it easier to keep bees and harvest honey. Before the current type of hive, it was necessary for the beekeeper to destroy the nest each autumn in order to take the honey.

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How does bees build hives?

First they draw out the shape in hexagons with wax secreted from special glands in their body then build the sides up. They strengthen the cells with propolis made from plants. Honey is then stored in some and brood ( eggs, larvae and young bees) in other groups of cells. In a manmade beehive structure, the brood is in the lower part and the honeycomb in the upper part.

How do honey bee's make bee hives?

They first find bees to help them and then they find a queen bee the queen lays the eggs to make the hives while some bees make the hive and some comfort the queen bee.

How do they make desert mesquite honey?

Mesquite honey is made by bees. Apiculturists place bee hives in areas with many mesquite trees and the bees do all the work. The bees drink nectar from the mesquite flowers and use it to make their honey. Man only has to harvest the honey at the end on the season.

Why do bees leave their hives?

Usually the bees who leave their hive are gatherers who collect pollen to make honey comb. Though the queen will leave to do her mating dance with the drone bees.

Can you Explain how do bees make hives so a 7 year old can understand?

Bees eat honey and sweat a wax from their body they use to build the hive.

Where do blue banded bees make their hives?

they make their hives in trees

Do all bees make the same hives?

Bees don't make hives. A hive is an artificial home provided by a beekeeper to keep his/her bees in.

How bees live?

Bees live in a colony and their nest is called a hive. There is one queen bee and hives can have up to 80,000 bees. Bees eat nectar and pollen from flowers and plants. The workers make honey, which is feed to the larvae.