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Yes, because they believe humans are all infected.

If their babies are touched by a human, their babies become infected.

Then they are disowned.

Poor squirrels.

mi creyz 4 dem

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13y ago
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16y ago

actually yes. the rumor that the scent of you means the mom will reject the babies is totally false. she wont mind the smell you left. And the same goes with bird eggs. eggs were originally laid without any scent so the mom bird will continue nesting.

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13y ago

In most cases WILD mother cats will abandon their kittens. Mothers cats will abandon the kittens if she senses that the kittens are no longer safe. Human smell on the kittens makes the mother cat want to reject the kitten/s. It is best not to handle the kittens of wild cats, but there are exceptions and that is if the kittens are in danger or possibly harm. Then you may have to move them, but be prepared to adopt and bottle feed the kittens.

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15y ago

I am not sure but she might eat them instead.

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15y ago

This was believed to be true. Some wild rabbits just do not go back to the nest if humans have disturbed the babies. Others are devoted and dont mind the intrusion.

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14y ago

absolutely not, it is instinctual for a mother to love her children regardless of who touches them

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16y ago

No, this is a myth.

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15y ago

yes they would

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11y ago

no she will not abandon her babies.

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Q: Do mother squirrels reject babies if touched by a human?
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Do mother mice take back their babies after human contact?

Mother mice may reject their babies if they detect unfamiliar scents on them after human contact, making it important to handle them carefully. It is best to limit handling of newborn mice unless necessary for their care to prevent this potential rejection.

If you touch the newborn pup will the mom eat it?

It is a myth that a mother dog will reject or harm her puppies if they are touched by humans. In reality, most mother dogs will not harm their puppies if they have human scent on them. It is important to properly introduce human touch to newborn puppies to help them become accustomed to handling and socialization.

What should you do you put your dwarf hamster in a ball to clean her cage and discovered a nest of babies how do you tell how old they are and what do you do now that you put her back in the cage?

If you discover a nest of babies, it's important to avoid handling them excessively to prevent stressing the mother. To estimate their age, observe their size, movement, and fur development. Ideally, you should leave them undisturbed in their nest with the mother and ensure her cage is in a quiet area to minimize disruptions. Make sure the cage is clean and has plenty of food and water for the mother to care for her pups.

Should you keep other guinea pigs away from a mother and her new babies?

Yes, it is typically advised to keep other guinea pigs away from a mother and her new babies to reduce stress and potential aggression. The mother may become protective and aggressive towards other guinea pigs during this time. It is best to provide a separate, quiet space for the mother and babies to bond and nurse without interference.

Rabbit has just given birth to dead kit shall you remove it?

Yes, it's important to remove the dead kit from the mother rabbit's nesting area to prevent any potential health issues or complications. Additionally, removing the dead kit will allow the mother rabbit to focus her energy on caring for the remaining babies.

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Will a mother mouse disown its baby if a human touches it?

I have heard that if the babies get the smell of human on them then the mother won't touch it. ANSWER i touched my babies when they were about a day old which i shouldn't have and she didnt reject them but just don't take them away from the mother or pick them up try avoid to touch them because i do think the mother does abandon her babies in some cases of this happening

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Mother mice may reject their babies if they detect unfamiliar scents on them after human contact, making it important to handle them carefully. It is best to limit handling of newborn mice unless necessary for their care to prevent this potential rejection.

If you touch the newborn pup will the mom eat it?

It is a myth that a mother dog will reject or harm her puppies if they are touched by humans. In reality, most mother dogs will not harm their puppies if they have human scent on them. It is important to properly introduce human touch to newborn puppies to help them become accustomed to handling and socialization.

Do mother sparrows reject their babies if touched by a human?

No this is a myth. Although I'd be careful which chicks you choose to touch. A bluejay mother will assume you are attacking her chick and attack you. If you need to rescue a Bluejay I strongly recommend doing it under the cover of an umbrella.

Will frightening the mother rabbit cause her to reject her babies?

It is rare for a mom to reject her kits so if u frighten her she will most likely come back

Why do animals reject their babies?

its because either someone has touched the baby or it went away from its habitat. if the baby ran away from its habitat then it will take care of its self.if someone touched the baby then it will eventually die.

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Why do dwarf hamsters kill there babies?

It usually has something to do with touching the newborns, you shouldn't touch them, this can cause the mother to reject them because it doesn't smell right to her.

Can you take one rabbits hair and put it in another nesting box?

No you shouldn't as this will upset the doe and the smell of the other does fur may cause the mother to reject her babies.

Will a mother rabbit reject a baby rabbit if touched by a human?

Don't touch the babies without gloves on, and if you don't have gloves, wash your hands and hold the kit in a cup position. The mother will probably continue to care for her kit if she knows you and is comfortable with you around.

Can you change the bedding in a mice cage that houses a mother and babies less than 1 week old without the mother rejecting the babies?

Yes, Scoop the litter up all together by cupping your hands and place them with the mom in a different cage. Remember to put paper towels in the cage and toliet paper rolls so the mom can tear it up to build the nest. Check out FAQfarm question listed: "When a mouse has babies is it safe to change the bedding and nesting material if the babies are less than 10 days old?" Kechara ive changed the bedding just make sure you dont touch the mice or the mother will reject the litter but to answer your question yes (dont touch the mice) just so everyones aware, the mother rejecting the babies if you touch them is a Myth, The only way she will reject them and Eat them is if she gets to stressed out ( And if the babies have hair at all she wont Kill them either), What i do is Remove the mother First and then remove the babies, then i clean the enclosure, put the babies back in first, then put the mother back in with them, ( and yes i touch them all First mua ha ha), I havent had a casualty yet out of 5 litters. == ==

What should you do you put your dwarf hamster in a ball to clean her cage and discovered a nest of babies how do you tell how old they are and what do you do now that you put her back in the cage?

If you discover a nest of babies, it's important to avoid handling them excessively to prevent stressing the mother. To estimate their age, observe their size, movement, and fur development. Ideally, you should leave them undisturbed in their nest with the mother and ensure her cage is in a quiet area to minimize disruptions. Make sure the cage is clean and has plenty of food and water for the mother to care for her pups.