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Plant cells do specialize but not in the same way as animal cells. Animal cells have specialized cells such as nerve cells, reproductive cells or muscle cells etc. Plant cells do not have any of those. But Plant cells have other specialized cells such as photosynthesis cells, epidermal cells etc.

Both Animal and Plant cells have specialized cells that perform a specific function to keep the cell/organism alive.

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Q: Do plant cells specialize in the same way animal cells do?
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Why does a plant cell have on large vacuole?

A plant cell has one large central vacuole to provide structural support by maintaining turgor pressure within the cell. The vacuole also stores nutrients, minerals, and waste products, and helps regulate the cell's internal environment.

Do both plants and animals have tissues?

Tissu is a Francish mutand of textum, Latin for "weft". The term isn't accurate on the cellular level spare muscles which can stretch in mostly one or two lodes--they are not networks and there are no stitches, braids, or knots. For NAs and AAs it's somewhat better as the molecula are handed, twisted, and sometimes braided. But over cells the stuff of limbs are bunches of sacks gluet together. If they were woven--or tissu--all of their proteins would be denatured; that is, scrambled. So tissue is a misnomer. :)

What type of organisms can mate that are not of the same species?

Organisms that are not of the same species can potentially mate and produce offspring if they are closely related, such as different species within the same genus. This is known as hybridization or interspecific mating. However, the resulting hybrids may be infertile or have reduced fitness.

Are reptile cells unique?

Reptile cells are similar to cells in other vertebrates, containing the same organelles and structures. However, they may have adaptations that suit their reptilian lifestyle, such as in the skin for shedding or scales for protection. Overall, reptile cells are not drastically different from cells in other animal groups.

What animal have the same life cycle of a cockroach?

the animal is......................................grasshopper.

Related questions

How do animal cells look like?

A cell of a dog is an animal cell, and animal cells are microscopic. Animal cells don't have a cell wall or chloroplasts. Plant cells do. Plant cells and animal cells both have a cell membrane, mitchondria, vacuoles, nucleus, and cytoplasm. Animal cells are disformed or roundish and plant cells are square and boxlike.

What kind of vacuoles could a cell have?

Both plant and animal cells have the same types of vacuoles but, plant cells' are bigger than an animal cells'

Do animal cells have cell mambranes?

Yes. Animal cells are the same as human cells. Plant cells are a little different.

Do animal and plant cells reproduce the same way?


Are animal and plant cells the same?

No, animal and plant cells have some differences. For example, plant cells have a cell wall and chloroplasts for photosynthesis, while animal cells do not. Additionally, plant cells often have large central vacuoles, which are less common in animal cells.

Is chloroplast found in both animal cells and plant cells?

Nope. It is only in plant cells. The mitochondria is basically the same thing as a chloroplast, only it is found in animal cells. Plant Cell - Chloroplast Animal Cell - Mitochondria

Does plants and animal cells have the same shape or the same chloroplasts or the cell membrane or cells have a tough wall?

No to all of the above. Plant and animal cells do not have the same shape. Plant cells have chloroplasts. Animal cells do not. Plants have a cell wall. Animal cells have a cell membrane. However there is one atom difference between a plant's chlorophyl and a human's hemoglobin. 53% of the DNA in a human and a banana tree is the same. Similarities exist.

Are plant cells and animal cells both made up of the same parts?

NO there not

Is lysosomes found in plant or animal cells?

Lysosome are found in animal cells as plant central vacuoles do the same job for plants as lysosomes do for animals. " Digestion " tasks.

Do the cells below come from a plant or a animal?

i think it's because the plant cell and the animal cell are the same

Do cells below come from a plant or an animal?

i think it's because the plant cell and the animal cell are the same

Do the cells below come from a plant or an animal?

The cells could come from either a plant or an animal. Additional information would be needed to determine the exact source of the cells.