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No they build a new nest for each brood. However they may use the same nest site year after year.

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Q: Do sparrows use the same nest year after year?
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Do birds go to same place to build nest every year?

Most birds do not use the same nest year after year. So I would say no.

Will robins use the same nest twice?

No. They build a new nest each year because of safety, health, and instinct reasons.

Will a flycatcher return to its same nest year after year if the nest has not been disturbed?

It depends on species but territories are generally held by males and they return to the same territory each year, if they can fight-off competitors. The same hen turning-up is far from guaranteed, but re-use of a successful nest-site is quite possible. Disturbance of the old nest is not relevant.

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No, a new one is constructed for each nesting.

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No... shell have a nother nest to have when she has a next litter. Because she would want her bunnies that are born to have that nest.

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A typical nest is around 5 feet in diameter. Eagles often use the same nest year after year. Over the years, some nests become enormous, as much as 9 feet in diameter, weighing two tons.

Do house martins use the same nest each year?

Some people tend to take the nests down each year. If they don't like their current nest, I'm sure they will be able to make a new one! Hope this helps.

Where do sparrows build their nest?

House sparrows often live close to people and will build their higgledy-piggledy nests in any crevice that they can find in houses or buildings, or in any suitable creepers that might be growing on a building. They will also use nest boxes and, as they are sociable birds who like to live in large groups, they will be particularly keen to use nest boxes if they are of the terrace type (three or more boxes joined together much like a terrace of houses). Tree sparrows tend to live more in open countryside. Their nests are much neater than those of the house sparrow and although they will also build in any suitable crevice in a building or sometimes nest box, they will also construct their nests in trees or, if near the coast, even in a cliff-face.

Do Bald Eagles mate yearly?

Yes, and use the same nest year after year, adding new sticks to the structure. Some nests weigh several hundred pounds.

Do bluebirds use the same nest for their second brood?

No. They make a new one for each brood but if you take out the old nest after the young have left the nest they may make a new in that birdhouse.

Will a robin use the same nest again?

Robins nested on our porch in Mississauga, Ontario, in 2007. They are back in 2008. Are they the same robins? Or are they the offspring returning to their birthplace? How could we find out? All robins look alike to us. We have photos. ET 19 May, 2008.

How do sparrows use their beak?

to use as tools and to eat and drink.