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No. The wolf spider and the brown recluse spider are close cousins. They can mate with each other, and their babies, called hybrids, are very deadly. It's too bad they don't exist

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no they spit on them

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Q: Do spitting spiders eat brown recluse spiders?
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What eats the brown recluse spider?

They are like all spiders- they eat insects. They much prefer to eat dead cockroaches and insects rather than alive ones, so killing their food is doing them a favor. Even if the cockroach or other insect is dead for about two months the Recluse spider will still eat them. Here are some good links about a Brown Recluse spider: (This one is about different spiders, including the Brown Recluse. So just go straight to the Recluse spider information or you can read about the different spiders and their bites) (Just click on the Brown Recluse spider, or any spider you want to know more about) (This is really good) (Teaches about spiders, so if you just wanna know about the Recluse just go down to that section) DO NOT, I REPEAT NOT! USE WIKIPEDIA! ANYBODY CAN JUST COME AND WRITE ANYTHING THEY WANT TOO. IF YOU DO USE IT, MAKE SURE ALL THE INFORMATION THERE IS ALL TRUE BY RESEARCHING WHAT THEY SAY!

Do spiders eat bread?

Yes most spiders eat maggots but some spider are to small or to big i will name the following spiders: Jumping spiders, Brown Recluse spider, Cellar spiders A.k.a daddy long legs, Wolf spiders, White-tail spiders, Garden spider, Huntsman spider and Black Widow spiders

Do daddy long legs bite?

Daddy long legs have tiny mouthparts, similar to spider fangs. They can definitely 'bite' but only to eat.

Do brown recluse spiders mate with black widow spiders?

Nope, not a chance. Those two species come from completely different families and they would attack and eat each other. I don't think it is even physically possible for them to mate. Mating pairs of individual species have genitalia that is pretty much a lock and key system. One perfectly fits the other. Other species' equipment simply would not work.... and like I said, these two species would instantly attack and eat each other before they even knew what hit them.

Will wolf spiders eat brown recluse spiders?

Wolf spiders and praying mantises eat each other. If one is bigger than the other, and is hungry, the larger of the two will likely eat the smaller. If they are both about the same size, it depends who sees who first, and who is hungrier. In the northeast U.S., large wolf spiders and large Chinese mantises compete for food all the time, and only the adult female Chinese mantises can overpower and eat adult wolf spiders. Usually the mantis can avoid being bitten by using the dexterity of it's forelegs to re-position it in such a way that the spider's fangs cannot reach any part of the mantis. The mantis then slowly will eat the spider alive. But if the spider is on the hunt, and sneaks up behind a mantis that is not paying attention, one quick bite would probably be enough to subdue the mantis. This has been studied extensively in northeast U.S. meadows, where both large wolf spiders and large praying mantises live. Look at the book "The Praying Mantids" by Dr. Frederick Prete. It's very technical, but the info is there. It's a bug-eat-bug world out there.

Related questions

What is a brown recluse niche?

Brown recluse spiders are found all over the Southern United States. They prefer to create webs in dark places, such as under rocks or piles of wood and eat insects, such as grasshoppers.

What eats the brown recluse spider?

They are like all spiders- they eat insects. They much prefer to eat dead cockroaches and insects rather than alive ones, so killing their food is doing them a favor. Even if the cockroach or other insect is dead for about two months the Recluse spider will still eat them. Here are some good links about a Brown Recluse spider: (This one is about different spiders, including the Brown Recluse. So just go straight to the Recluse spider information or you can read about the different spiders and their bites) (Just click on the Brown Recluse spider, or any spider you want to know more about) (This is really good) (Teaches about spiders, so if you just wanna know about the Recluse just go down to that section) DO NOT, I REPEAT NOT! USE WIKIPEDIA! ANYBODY CAN JUST COME AND WRITE ANYTHING THEY WANT TOO. IF YOU DO USE IT, MAKE SURE ALL THE INFORMATION THERE IS ALL TRUE BY RESEARCHING WHAT THEY SAY!

How do brown recluse spiders have babies?

Like all spiders, they mate with the females and then the females eat the males. Then they form a sack. (egg) then the egg opens and baby spiders come out. I hope that Answers your question.

What does a desert recluse spider eat?

A Desert Recluse spider's diet consists of small insects, and sometimes other spiders. Recluse spider species also have been known to sometimes scavenge (eat dead insects and spiders), which is very unusual among spiders.

Do brown recluse spiders travel in pairs?

In most cases, scorpions travel alone. Scorpions are said to sting humans but this will only happen if they feel threatened.

What does a brown recluse not eat?

they don't eat your mom... so yeah try those.

What does the Brown recluse spider eat?

The quick answer is insects, live insects, dead insects, both small and large. They feed on them all. There are very few insects that a brown recluse spider will not eat.

How does the brown recluse spider protect itself?

The spider gets its name because it loves to hide. To defend itself from potential predators, it bites the assaulter. If you live in a prominent area of brown recluse spiders, then you should be aware of its preferences for nutrition. A brown recluse spider hunts for prey during the night hours. It bites its prey, leaves it for dead, and then returns later to recover the corpse. The brown recluse spider will eat anything from small insects (like grasshoppers) to other spiders. Keep your home pest-free, keep the laundry off of the floor, keep your attic and basement clean, recycle old cardboard boxes, and seal any crevices in your home. This will help you fight off any infestations from these spiders and any other insect.

Do spiders eat bread?

Yes most spiders eat maggots but some spider are to small or to big i will name the following spiders: Jumping spiders, Brown Recluse spider, Cellar spiders A.k.a daddy long legs, Wolf spiders, White-tail spiders, Garden spider, Huntsman spider and Black Widow spiders

What does a brown recluse spider eat?

cockroaches, crickets, and other small insects.

Could a brown recluse spider eat it prayer?

Only if it were especially saintly.

Why does brown recluse venom eat your skin away?

maybe because... i dun know