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you might, if its really, really, really, really, really, really deep

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Q: Do you have to go to the hospital if a guinea pig bites you?
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Do you need a rabies shot if your guinea pig bites you?

matters if the guinea pig has rabies or is wild. my concern is make sure to go to the doctor and get it checked out just to be on the safe side

How do you get your guinea pig in a guinea pig show?

go into 4h and they do guinea pig showing for all ages

Do you have to go to the hospital if a guinea pig bits you?

No this is not necessary, guinea pig bite wounds can usually be taken care of with an antiseptic. However if the wound shows signs of infection a doctor's visit may be necessary.

What does it when your guinea pig cleats it teeth?

It means that the guinea pig wants to go back In its cage if not that then the guinea pig is cooled

Why does your guinea pig have a purple foot?

If your guinea pig has a purple foot, you need to go to the vet!

What happens if you get bitten by a guinea pig?

If you get bitten by a guinea pig, all you need to do is tap your guinea pig gently on the nose which means "don't do that again" and then go and wash your hands. Don't get all stressed about it, this is perfectly natural for a guinea pig to, especially if it is a young male. Most guinea pig bites don't draw blood or hurt that much, so there's nothing to be worried about.

Do you need a tetanus if a guinea pig bites a chunk out of your finger?

only if your guinea pig is some sort of crazed rabid one! or if it has mixed with pigs.... and if u live in the UK i don't think they hav tetanus, but if u r worried just go to the doctor and check

What are some things to do with your guinea pig?

theres loads of things you can do with your guinea pig. you can handle it, or buy a special guinea pig lead and take your guinea pig for a walk around the garden, you can build and obstacle course for your guinea pig!

Sims 2 pets on wii can you have a guinea pig and if yes how do you get a guinea pig?

go to pets stuff in build or buy mode then you will find a cage that a guinea pig will mostl ikely live in buy that it comes with a guinea pig

What is the most babies a guinea pig has ever had?

well in one go a female guinea pig can have 20 babies sbut the most i have seen n one go are 60

How do you heal a guinea pig?

go to the vet.

Can gerbils go into a guinea pig cage?

Yes, they can but not together WITH the guinea pigs.