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You don't necessarily kill an animal every time that you litter, like you throw a soda can out the window and, in that instant, an animal dies, but there are many things that are killing animals because you litter. An animal can eat your trash and it may get stuck in its throat or stomach because animals can't digest plastics, glass, or metals. that is a big thing that contributes to the animal's death. It's like feeding a baby plastic food from a play kitchen. The baby may pick it up and try to eat it. You are also destroying the animal's home. Trash damages the ecosystem around the animals. Trash kills some plants that animal eat. Trash is also ugly in a beautiful place. Trash may be a fire hazard, and is a breeding place for bacteria, which can get into our water and contaminate water that people and animals drink.

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Q: Do you kill an animal every time you litter?
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It can kill animals. Cigarette butts, for example, can get inside roadside animals and kill them. 6-pack can holders can choke and throttle animals.

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Every time the veterinarian is seeing the animal - a core body temperature is a basic vital statistic that should be monitored every time a veterinarian performs a physical exam on an animal.

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It doesn't . It is impossible to get rid of all the litter on earth. Every time you pick a plastic bag up, you can geruntee someone is throwing another one on the ground.

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Easy. I have a rabbit. If you're putting it out on the floor, all you have to do is keep showing it where the litter box is, and keep putting them in it every 5 minutes, ad rub your rabbits paws in it every time you put your rabbit in the litter. HOPE THIS HELPS!

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