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It is highly recommended you have at least two guinea pigs together.

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4y ago

Absolutely. They are a social species and bond, make friends with and rely on each other. In Switzerland, it is illegal to only keep one guinea pig.

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Q: Do you need to put guinea pigs together?
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How do male guinea pigs act around female guinea pig?

You can put them together during mating season. That's all you can do.

What animals do you find in the same habitat as guinea pigs?

You can put rabbits and guinea pigs together. But I think that's all

Can you put new guinea pigs with existing guinea pigs?

It's a good idea to put the two guinea pigs in separate cages so that they can see each other.This is so they can get used to each other and will prevent fighting and stress when they are put together.

Do 2 male guinea pigs fight?

only if you put them together when there adults if there children and together they wont fight. That has nothing to do with it. Guinea pigs will protect their territory like dogs will. I have two male guinea pigs and they are adults and do not fight what so ever.

Do female hamsters and male guinea pigs get along if you put them together for 10 minutes?

plz do not put them together they may fight

Do the parents of guinea pigs stay all together?

Guinea Pigs are like any other animal, if you put a male and female together they will create little guinea pigs. If you want to keep the father in the cage, pay attention to the mother, she will let you know if she wants her space or if she wants him close.

Can you put guinea pigs together?

yes you can but if they are 2 girls and not one girl and 2 boys

If you buy two brother guinea pigs and put them together will they fight?

no they will be fine i have many and they are bestfriends :)

Can you put 1 boy guinea pig with a girl one?

There is no limit, assuming you have a big enough cage, to how many guinea pigs of different sexes and/or sizes you can physically put together. I am not sure if you will get baby guinea pigs out of it though.

Can you put guinea pigs and hamsters together?

No, that's a bad idea because they might fight and sometimes,not often though, mother guinea pigs eat anything threatening- horrible. People put rabbits and guinea pigs together but you shouldn't do that either :( hope thet helped I wouldn't. Where guinea pigs are bigger, their more likely to want all the space. Try and get two cages, one for the guinea pig and one for the hampster. But if you want your guinea pig to meet the hampster.... thens that's a different story.

Why cant you put two guinea pigs together if they have been with someone else?

They might have a disease so you might want to get it checked out. After that you can put them together.

Can you put chinchilas and guinea pig on play dates?

No, guinea pigs only like guinea pigs. Sorry...