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A firm, non-painful lump where the incision was made to spay your cat is absolutely normal. It is a part of the healing process most cats will go through *but not all*. Some things to look out for though- if the cat seems to be in pain from the lump or if it is red, swelling, or has drainage or if your cat is listless or not eating, this may be some cause for concern... in these events I would suggest calling your vet to check it out. Sometimes its not a bad idea to let the vet know that the lump has formed whether its painful or swollen anyway, just so they can make a note of it, and give you more detailed instruction as to make sure it does not get infected.

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13y ago

Yeah,sometimes, i have a young cat who we had spayed, and she has a small bump at the lowest part of her scar.

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If a cat gets spayed will it stop feeding its kittens?

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What do you call a cat that can't have babies?

I do not think there is a special term for it. If the cat is spayed, then the cat will often be described as "a spayed cat".

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You can get your cat spayed

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If there's a Little of the ovaries left, a spayed cat can still go into heat. But with the uterus missing, it can't get pregnant.

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your cat has to be 1 and up

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Because she has not been spayed or impregnated. You need to have her spayed.

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Can a spayed cat go into heat if she is around a unspayed cat?

Normally, no. However, if not all of the ovarian tissue was removed when the cat was spayed, then yes she can. And she would not need to be triggered by an unaltered cat.

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the boys still have wieners. their testicles are what gets the snip snip here snip snip there.

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Does a cat's uterus regenerate?

No once the cat has been spayed then it can not have kittens