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Yes they do. Echinoderms, which include starfish, and chordates, which include humans are closely related in an evolutionary sense due to the way their embryos are formed in the early stages of development. Once past that point, the very obvious differences form.

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Q: Does echinoderms have a close evolutionary relationship with chordates?
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Which type of animals are close to chordates from evolutionary point of view?

Chordates are the common ancestors of fish and sharks. They include lampreys and other types of primitive fish species that live in the sea.

Are echidna exoskeletons?

No. echinoderms have no exoskeleton.Related Information:Echinoderms are deuterostomes, a group belonging to the Phylum, Chordata but separate from the vertebrates, also of this phylum. While there is a close relationship between the echinoderms and the vertebrates, echinoderms are endoskeletal invertebrates.

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Vertebrates are a subgroup of the chordates, meaning that all vertebrates are chordates, but not all chordates are vertebrates. Vertebrates are distinguished from other chordates by having backbones or spinal columns.All vertebrates have muscular systems that mostly consist of paired masses, as well as a central nervous system which is partly located inside the backbone (if one is present). The defining characteristic of a vertebrate is considered the backbone or spinal cord, a brain case, and an internal skeleton, but the latter is not true for lampreys, and the former is arguably present in some other chordates. Rather, all vertebrates are most easily distinguished from all other chordates by having a clearly identifiable head. Sensory organs--especially eyes--are concentrated at the foreend of the body, and there is pronounced cephalization.

What other phylum might be considered our close relatives?

Our close relative phylum are the echinoderms because they are also deuterostomes.

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Take the protein cytochrome C. There is not one amino acid difference in structure between we humans and our close relatives, the chimpanzees. There are 51 differences between humans and single celled yeast in amino acids. We can strongly and simply infer from this data the evolutionary relationship among the three species mentioned here.

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A close relationship between business and government

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