

Does pepper spray harm animals

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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There is no physical harm but the stuff really hurts (trust me), so there is the possibility of psychological damage. Don't expect a sprayed animal to ever like you again. Animals experience almost the same effects as humans when sprayed.

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Q: Does pepper spray harm animals
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What kind of pepper spray is best for dogs?

None! Pepper spray could seriously harm a dog and damage its nose, eyes or skin and could be considered as abuse. Never ever pepper spray a dog!

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No. It was harm the animal. It can affect their eyes.

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Pepper spray. In law enforcement it is not called pepper spray. It is called O.C. which stands for Oleoresin Capsicum. Capsicum is the pepper.

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Water or pepper spray. You can make a homemade pepper spray with tobasco and water. Just put it in a spray bottle or squirt gun. (use on dangerous animals only please)

Why do they call pepper spray pepper spray?

The name Pepper Spray comes from the ingredient in Capsicum which comes from the hottest peppers around.

Is pepper spray legal in Georgia?

Pepper spray is legal in Georgia.

What is pepper spray for?

Pepper spray is a device for distracting attackers, animal or human.

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Is pepper spray legal in Philadelphia?

It is perfectly legal for a citizen to carry pepper spray in the state of Pennsylvania, except for Philadelphia, PA. If a person is within city limits of Phildelphia, they are not allowed to carry pepper spray. Pepper spray is NOT legal in PA.

Where do police keep their pepper spray?

police keep their pepper spray in their utility belt.

How often do people use pepper spray?

As often as there's a need for pepper spray.