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Q: Does saying that an animal is sentient means that it has certain desires and interests?
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Related questions

When was A Sentient Animal created?

A Sentient Animal was created in 2022.

What are some reasons why you shouldn't do animal cruelty?

Animals are sentient beings like you and I who can feel and understand pain.

What is an animal liberationist?

An animal liberationist is an activist who is a part of the animal liberation movement, the belief in the advancement of interests and rights of animals.

Are animals sentient beings?

There are many types of animals. An earthworm is an animal, and it is undoubtedly not sentient. It has no brain, just a nerve ganglion, with negligible intelligence. A chimpanzee is also an animal, and they are estimated to have an intelligence comparable to that of a five year old human child, which clearly does fall within the range of sentience. So it depends which species we are talking about.==========It depends on how you use the term "sentient".If it broadly defined to simply "able to experience sensations", then any organism with sensory organs is sentient.If it is limited a bit to he concept of "able to feel pleasure and pain" then it gets more murky since we have no way to determine for certain if the response of an animal translates to the same things we call pleasure and pain but we believe most "higher" animals are able to be sentient by this second definition.If we further limit it to the ability to reason and think abstractly, this is little evidence that animals are sentient to that degree.

Why was the Buddha against animal sacrifice?

It could be 'human' sacrifice, if one of the lives that you come back to is that animal.Animals can be just as divine as humans.Answer:There is no prohibition of animal sacrifices. in general Buddhism has no prohibitions but rather suggestions of ways to lead a more skillful life with a minimum of suffering. Buddhism does however hold that a person should not harm another sentient being - sentient meaning a being possessing awareness.

What might a barn owl do when it desires this animal?

It will choose sound toonup and lure best gag tracks

What is Elphaba protesting in 'Wicked'?

She is protesting the repression of talking sentient Animals in Oz. When The Wizard seized power in Oz, in order to solidify his power he had to create an enemy for him to rally against. Considering that The Wizard is from "our world" the most obvious enemy to create would be the Animal popluation as taling sentient Animals dont exist in "our world".

What are two more interests of Dr.jemison in addition to space travel?

animal life and health

What is When certain traits increase the likelihood of an animal living a long life?

When certain traits increase the likelihood of an animal living a long life this is good. It means the animal has adapted well.

Means a certain kind of animal?


Why is Fuzzy Shyivy never on Animal Jam anymore?

I think it's because he/she had school, sports, and other interests besides going on Animal Jam and blogging.

Why should animal rights considered as important?

Why do you think?! Because they are a living sentient creatures capable of feeling pain and suffering, but they are unable to decide what is best for them by themselves - just like children, they have rights too.