

Does soda make rats explode

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Does soda make rats explode
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Can gum make soda explode?

Dropping Mentos into soda will cause it to explode.

How do you make baking soda explode?

Baking soda and vinegar!

Can you make a soda bottle explode wth baking soda and vinegar?

you could make soda explode but you can't make a soda bottle explode and by the way if you are going to do anything like that use diet pepsi cuz diet pepsi is crap in a bottle , a bottle that you can not explode! SO DONT TRY IT IN THE FIRST PLACE CUZ ITS JUST STUPID!

When you make A Baking Soda Volcano Will it Sizzle or Explode?

it overflowed

When could soda explode?

soda could explode at any time!!!

How can you make soda explode?

Technically the term "explosion" for soda is inadequate. A true explosive reaction is not possible.

How much baking soda does it take to make coke explode?

about a tablespoon

What will happen when you drop a soda?

it will fall and it will explode in fizz and make a big mess

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When You Eat Pop Rocks And Drink Soda Will It Make Your Stomach Explode.? Well His Question Comes From A Old Wives Tale. When You Eat Pop Rocks And Drink Soda It Does Not Make Your Stomach Explode It Actually Makes You Stomach Have Sharp Intense Pains.

Why do fruit Mentos and soda explode?

They explode because of the baking soda and vinegar mixed in and when there together BOOM.

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how do i explode an empty and sealed soda can with an air compressor

Can an icebreaker mint make a coca cola explode?

Mints with sugar will cause the carbon dioxide in soda to be released all at once, causing the soda to foam in an extreme manner. But the soda does not explode. You may spray Coca Cola on the ceiling.