

Does the fish have a defense?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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Defense mechanisms such as camouflage, spines, and poisons help fish escape predators.

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some are territorial, or others are competing

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they bite

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Q: Does the fish have a defense?
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fish. that's one I know of.

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Well let me give you the reason, they are known for eating everything from people to fish! Also, their defense can be just biting another fish. They really don't have a predator so most of the time its chomp! But if humans try to catch are in trouble so watch out!

What is a clownfish mean of protection?

The main and only mean of protection for clown fish is the anemone. This is the reason why clown fish spend all their lives swimming nearby anemone. They protect each other. It is called "symbiosis".

What is adaptive defense?

A defense adaptation is a certain ability that an animal can use to protect itself form predators. Ex: Pocupines have pointy quills to protect it from being eaten. Ex: Puffer fish can blow themselves up to make themselves look bigger and scare away other fish that want to make them dinner.

What defense do star fish have against predators?

Hard to break through to get to the meat. Some are poisonous. Others have thorns or pointy parts on them.

Euglena's defense mechanism?

it can move very fast and it is very small compared to its predators- frogs, baby fish, tadpoles

Are sea anemone poisonus to humans?

Sea anemone are not poisons to humans in fact they are not poisonus us to some fish such as the clown fish. Sea anemones use their poisons has their defense "weapon". Sea anemones are helpful to clown fish because that's wear they live and clown fish predators are threaten by their poisons.So to answer your question no they are not. :)

What type of fish is a stone fish?

What's generally known as a "stone fish" (though many other fish are often given this name) a bony, saltwater, bottom-dwelling fish with cryptic camouflage that's normally found in Australia and Indonesia. It has spines on its back that, if stepped on, inject the victim with deadly venom as a defense mechanism.

When a large fish comes after a puffer fish the puffer fish the puffer inflates it's body to increase it's size what type of behavior is this?

When the puffer fish inflates its body to increase its size it is a behavior called a defense mechanism. Puffer fish have highly elastic stomachs and the ability to quickly take in air or water to puff themselves up. This turns them into an inedible ball.