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Q: Does the fur on a rat and human hair serve a similar purspose?
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Is human hair living?

no, as much as people talk about revitalizing their hair, hair, by the time it exits your scalp is a column of dead cells, similar but smaller than your fingernails.

When can you bathe a yorkie?

Yorkies don't shed because they have similar fur to human hair. So you can wash a yorkie as much times as your hair ;)

Where can I find hair extensions for sale?

Ask your local hair dresser for recommendations, as I am assuming he or she will have to weave or glue them in. When looking for extensions, make sure you buy them a little long, in a similar colour and touch them to make sure they feel similar to human hair.

Are all wigs that says 100 percent human hair is all human hair?

They should be, but be cautious. Some companies do advertise human hair, but it's human hair blend or human hair mixed with animal hair.

What organ of a human is similar to a chicken gizzard?

The mouth with teeth help to grind food into smaller pieces. This has a similar function to a bird's gizzard.

Why is pig skin like human skin?

Answer"Pig" DNA is most similar to Human DNA..No one knows WHY?Pig skin is similar to human skin in terms of color, hair follicles,and subcutaneous fat. That's all I know... and pig skin is thin human skin is thicker so pig skin isn't that much like human skin

Does any cat have human hair?

NO. Even if the cat had "human-like" hair it wouldn't be human hair because it grew from a cat.

What is a width of a human hair?

The width of a human hair is 0.0018 cm.

Do teacup yorkies have human hair?

teacup Yorkies do have human hair

Which is larger a lymphcyte or a human hair?

A human hair is bigger than a lymphocyte human hair- 200 micrometers, lymphocyte 20 micrometers

What is premium human hair?

Premium human hair is 100% human hair that contains some synthetic fibers to give it a natural look

Is a human hair non-biodegradable or biodegradable?

A human hair is biodegradable.