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Ring tailed cat, coati, red panda all resemble raccoons.

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Q: Does the the raccoon look like aney other animals?
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Is a raccoon a consumer or a producer?

A Raccoon is a consumer because it eats other thing like peoples trash and other animals.

What is the herring bone?

herring bone a zipper like decine in aney material

How doe raccoon get energy?

Through the stuff it eats.Raccoons get their energy from food, like most animals.

Is a raccoon edible?

no they can natural turn in to a grey harry little critter but they can have an act like on because they can take there behave like a raccoon and eat,sleep, and do other miner things like a raccoon

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by typing more games like moshi monster at

Will skunks eat chipmunks?

Adult chipmunks are extremely fast and would be difficult for a raccoon to catch. However, nestling babies would be an easy target.

What does water helps animals by doing several important jos?

They provide the water that animals drink to stay alive and for some animals like the raccoon, to wash their food before they eat it.

What is a raccoons IQ?

I tend to wonder about these things too. All animals have their talents, I believe. A raccoon is very street smart. They work together to get the maximum result. I'd say a raccoon's IQ should be around 15-20 if they were able to read.It depends on which raccoon you select for testing. Raccoons like shiny objects, so you should build traps using silver and gold. You will obviously want to test the raccoon that selects the gold since gold bullion is worth more. The other raccoon is typical as it went for the more shiny object.

What are animal that feed only on dead organisms?

scavengers nd animals like vultures,komodo dragon, owls, raccoon

What is the bear like animal with the raccoon tail in the telus commercial?

The bear-like animal with the raccoon tail in the Telus commercial is a fictional character named "Rakoon." It is part bear and part raccoon, created to represent the fusion of both animals. Rakoon is used in Telus commercials to promote their products and services.

Is the raccoon a meat eater?

A raccoon is an consumer because it does not take energy from the sun, it takes it from plants and small animals like we do.

What is the personality of a raccoon?

Raccoons are very curious, and enjoy inspecting and examining everything. They are also known for high intelligence, and are sometimes compared to monkeys for this reason. They can be known to be very aggressive, and grouchy when provoked, snapping and snarling, and ready to take on even the biggest predators. Many people have sworn that they make very friendly, and lovable pets though. They do admit that a raccoon can be a rather bossy and demanding pet at times.