Some examples of a herbivore would be an antelope, elk, deer, cow, elephant, giraffe, horse, zebra, sheep, llama, rabbit, butterfly, caterpillar, and grasshopper.
Some examples of herbivores include cows, deer, rabbits, and elephants. These animals primarily feed on plants, such as grass, leaves, fruits, and vegetables.
a herbivore eats plants. a carnivore eats animal matter. an omnivore eats both plant and animal matter. The tiger is an obligate carnivore, which means it must eat meat to exist, it can not digest plant matter.
Examples of onomatopoeia include words like "buzz," "boom," "sizzle," and "clink" that imitate the sound they represent.
Some examples of ectoparasites include the tick and a mosquito. Examples of endoparasites include the hookworm and the bacteria giardia.
A shelter can be anything from an overhang roof to an actual simple building.
Herbivores are animals that just eat plants.
It depends
As felines, they are carnivores.
Neither, they are herbavors.
Some examples of herbivores include cows, deer, rabbits, and elephants. These animals primarily feed on plants, such as grass, leaves, fruits, and vegetables.
Stonefish are carnivores.
horses are not predators, they are herbavors and eat only plants.
No they are herbavors. They dont eat meat.
drove dust and particles into the air which blocked the sun. lack of light killed all plant life. herbavors died because of lack of food. carnivores died because there were no herbavors to eat.
they behave like every other animals.There are carnivors,herbavors and both.