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Within a species, the animals breed together so that the similar characteristics are passed from parents to their offspring. This is why there is less variation within a species than between a species.

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Q: Explain why there is more variation between a species than within a species?
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What are specific examples of variation within a species?

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How does natural selection explain how organisms have changed over time?

Variation within species allows death to be a selector of survivors.

What is a major cause of variation within species?

Variation of a species can come about in many ways, but mutation is the major cause of variation in a species.

Which process produces the most variation within a species?

Variations occurs in species due to the process of "Crossing over"

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Biological variation is much wider term. It takes place at the level of species while anatomical anomaly means a anatomicaly different individual within species.

What causes variation within a species?

It has adaptations

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Variation exists within the genes of every population or species as the result of natural selection. The other reason is due to neutrality of mutations.

What did Charles Darwin say about variation within species?

Because there is variation within a species, it is therefore possible for the law of natural selection to operate, by selecting those variations which best enhance survival and reproduction.

What is interspecific and intraspecific cooperation?

Interspecific cooperation refers to help or assistance of individuals belonging to different species (a case of this is mutualism), whereas intraspecific cooperation is observed between individuals within the same species

How do the Grants data show that genetic variation is important in the survival of a species?

The Grants' work shows that variation within a species increases the likelihood of the species' adapting to and surviving environmental change.

How can you explain that competition for resources in an area is usually more intense within a single species than between two different species?

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