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The main reason is that Spiders and several other little animals such as scorpions split of from the main evolutionary branch going one way, and insects split off from the main branch going another way, and that happened a very long time ago.

The related reason is that the physical structures of spiders and insects are the same in that they do not have bones inside their legs and other body parts (so they have exoskeletons and are arthopods), but other than that almost everything about them is different.

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because they have 8 legs and insects have 6 legs

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How are insects and spiders different?

Spiders have 8 legs and insects have 6. Spiders are under the Arachnids column and insects are under the insects column. Spider's don't have feelers (antennae) and insects do. Those are the most common differences between spiders (arachnids) and insects.

Are spiders insects as well?

No they don't. A spider has 2 body parts but an insect has 3 =)

How do insects and spiders different from each other?

DUH its simple! Insects have 6 legs, and arachnids (spiders) have 8 legs. Spiders spin webs, insects cannot. I am only 13 and I know a lot of differences between the two. Spiders have 2 body parts the main part and the abdomen, where insects can have more or less. Spiders have fangs, insects do not. Some insects can fly, and a rock would speak before a spider could fly. Insects can be herbavors, carnivors, or omivors, where spiders are only carnivorous. Spiders usually prey upon insects, not the other way around.

Why are spider not consider insects?

Because spiders have 8 legs and because spiders have 2 main body parts.

Is spider an insect?

No, insects typically have six legs and spiders have eight legs. And an insect had 3 body parts but spider has 2 body parts. so they are arachnids.

Why are slugs and spiders not insects?

All insects are animals. However, a spider is not an insect. Spiders are in a class called Arachnids. All insects have a pair of antennae, 6 legs, and 3 main body parts (tagmata): the head, thorax, and abdomen. Spiders have no antennae, 8 legs, and 2 tagmata: the cephalothorax and the abdomen.

Give two ways to tell an insect from a spider?

Wingless insects include silverfish and fleas, which both have six legs and a recognizable form. Spiders have eight legs and another recognizable form (divided into two parts, not many insecty segments). ^^

What are seven differences between spiders and insects?

Insects have bodies that are divided into 3 segments: the head, the thorax (which usually has the wings and legs) and the abdomen. Spiders' bodies only have 2 segments: the head and the abdomen.All spiders are hunters, and will eat other tiny animals. Insects on the other hand, will eat a whole bunch of different things depending on what type of insect they are.Spiders reproduce sexually and fertilization is internal but indirect, in other words the sperm is not inserted into the female's body by the male's genitals but by an intermediate stage. Unlike many land-living arthropods- antropods= kingdom that both insects and spiders are categorized4. Spiders are classified into a separated kingdom that other insects under the antropod kingdom, Spiders are Arachnida in the Animia class, whereas other insects are stay in the antropod phylum.5. Spiders use silk production for building webs, mostly for hunting. Insects tend to not have the abilityto produce the same protein silk for webs, they use the webs for reasons such as; wrappers for sperm and for fertilized eggs; as a "safety rope"; for nest-building; and as "parachutes" by the young of some species.6. Spiders have 8 legs while insects have 6.7. Insects tend to be more social, living in colonies, whereas most spiders are solitaire in the way they live.

What are easy insect questions?

Here are a few examples: 1. How many legs do insects have? 6 2. What color are stink bugs? black 3.Are spiders insects? no

What animals does not have a backbone and have more than 2 legs?

All insects and arachnids. for example bees, centipedes, millipedes, spiders.

Why is spider is not a insect?

The spider is not an insect because it has eight legs, and insects have six legs. The spider is classified being in the group of Arachnids instead of being in the group of Insects, or Bugs.

What is a baby spiders diet?

Hatchling spiders will feed on tiny insects. For example, the baby spiders in my collection feed on what are known as 'micro-crickets'. These are newly-hatched crickets about 2-3 millimetres in length. I gradually increase the size of the crickets as the spiderlings grow.