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there are many people who have dingos as pets but not that many the native tribes belive they are gods and the dingos live with them but it is not smart to keep them as pets just in case there are many people who have dingos as pets but not that many the native tribes belive they are gods and the dingos live with them but it is not smart to keep them as pets just in case

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Q: Have Dingo's been domesticated can they be kept as a pet?
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It mean that an animal is not from the outside in it an indoor pet. It mean that an animal is not from the outside in it an indoor pet.

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Domesticated is basically tamed by humans or not wild anymore. (this occurs over generations, not a single life time.)living under the care of human beings, tameDomesticated means that the animal is tame and can most likely be kept as a pet.An animal that has been tamed and kept as a pet or on a farm is said to be domesticated.A man who likes home life and housework is also said to be domesticated.

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I believe the first pet rats were domesticated very early by the Ancient Inca. In the US, by the late 1800s rats were kept in captivity as pets and by the early 1900s had become a popular pet.

Is it possible to have a dingo as a pet?

Yes! Dingos are domestic and wild animals.

What does domesticating mean?

Domesticated is basically tamed by humans or not wild anymore. (this occurs over generations, not a single life time.)living under the care of human beings, tameDomesticated means that the animal is tame and can most likely be kept as a pet.An animal that has been tamed and kept as a pet or on a farm is said to be domesticated.A man who likes home life and housework is also said to be domesticated.

Can you get a white lion as a pet?

Lions or any other big cats can not be kept as pets. They are wild animals, not domesticated pets. Try to stick with the kittens.