

Horses usually live how long?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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About 30 years

Howrse answer: 25 - 30 years.

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Q: Horses usually live how long?
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two to four months if lucky.

How long do przewalskis horses live for in the wild?

przewalskis horses are extinct from the wild so they are only found in captivity and they usually live for about 20 years in captivity

On howse Horses usually live how long?

On howrse the horses live to around 25+ it depends on the horse really. You can make your horse immortal though so it can't die. Hope I helped

Horses usually live how long 10-15 years 25-30 years 15-20 years 20-25 years?

most horses live 20-30 years although some live a lot longer

Horses usually live how long 10-15 years 25-30 years15-20 years 20-25 years?

In the wild horses will usually live around 10 -15 years. Due to natural predators, disease, laming and competitors for food. Domesticated horses if treated well and kept in good condition can live until in their thirties. Your average domesticated horse will usually live up to mid twenties.

What is a horses usual lifespan?

Most horses usually live to around 25-30.

How many years do horses usually live?

Horses normally live up to about 30 years.. But if you are talking minitaure horses then up to about 40... Hope this helps..

How long do hosres live?

Most horses live to be in their 30s

Horses usually stay alive how long?

Horses Usually Live To Be 20-30 years Old And Older In Some Cases If Properly Taken Care Of. The Oldest Horse I Beleive Was 2000 ears Old When It Passed Away.

How long do horses live with their parents?

it depends

How long does a horse usually live?

it depends on the breed, really. most horses live as long as 25-30 years old, but one horse, old billy, lived until 62.

Why do horses live long?

depends. some can reach 25 years old, some even in the 30s. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The question is WHY do horses live long. not HOW LONG DO HORSES LIVE. So the answer to the question is............. why the hell not. Unless the horse has a death wish and continually wants to off itself, why shouldn't a horse live a long time.