

How are cows used to make money?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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15y ago

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Commonly, most cattle are only meant for meat and milk. However there are still cattle in the world used as draft animals (for pulling wagons and carts and the like), as well as those used in sporting events like rodeo and the spanish bull fighting ring.

Once slaughtered, there are many uses for parts of cattle other than food. The hide is used for clothing, shoes and upholstery, for example. Uses of parts of cattle and other livestock have since changed from 200 years ago.

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13y ago

Cows help people by giving them milk to drink and beef to eat. Cows also give their hides to wear and other parts of their bodies to be used in literally almost everything we use, wear and eat, including pharmaceuticals and additives for paint and insulation for our houses.

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15y ago

Cows are used to make money by selling their milk and meat. Many more things you can do with a cow

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11y ago

Milk, meat, traveling.

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Cows and goats are the most commonly used animals for milk production. Cheese is made from the milk of these animals.

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You don't have to have dairy cows if you are not wanting to make money off of producing milk or want to have milk for yourself and your family. The only time you have to have dairy cows is if you are getting into a dairy operation.

What do cows make?

Female dairy cows produce milk which is made into cheese, butter, yogurt, ice cream, or pasteurized as milk to drink. In addition, they make bake babies. All cows let out a gas called methane, and they make manure. Other cows are used for their beef, and some hides are used to make leather.

What happen to dead cows in India?

its skin is used to make clothes

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By selling their cows to the slaughterhouses for more money than it had cost to care fore them.

What are cash cows in marketing?

Money producing , like cows produce milk

Why don't Hindu people eat cows?

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