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The main bulk of a rabbit's diet is composed of roughage. Since it is difficult to digest, the rabbits handles them by passing two types of stools which are soft black viscous pellets and hard droppings. On the other hand, horses can nibble their food, take a rest, and then go back to it again.

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Q: How are digestive systems of rabbits and horses that are classified as nonruminants able to use roughage in their diet?
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Rabbits are what kind of organisms?

rabbits are lagomorphs meaning that they eat roughage and other sorts of grassy stuff

Do rabbits have to be fed hay or is it optional?

It is best to feed a caged rabbit hay. This is because they are caged and have a steady diet of rabbit pelets. Rabbits will stay happier and healthier if fed a roughage while caged.

Can rabbits once they have tasted blood eat birds?

no rabbits should never have meat their digestive systems are not built for it.

What does it mean when a rabbits poop is too small?

It can mean a variety of things -- not enough water, not enough hay (roughage), not enough activity, too much stress. Change some of these things, and if that doesn't help the poop, it may be good to check with your vet to see if something bad is happening in the bunny's digestive system.

How can rabbits and horses be in the same family?

It is because their diets and digestive systems are very similar.

Can rabbits eat suede?

No, rabbits can't eat any textiles, or animal products or by-products. If a rabbit eats suede, serious digestive problems can result.

Can rabbits eat marrow?

Horses are not able to digest marrow. It is not really beneficial to them and can even cause some digestive problems.

Are rabbits scavengers?

No, raccoons are classified as carnivores but have an omnivorous diet.

Will rabbits eat bread?

Some might, but they should not be fed bread. No matter how organic it is, it contains the wrong things for a rabbit's digestive system. Rabbits should stick to vegetables, grass hay and a small amount of fruit.

Can you eat a ferret?

It is illegal to eat any animal that is classified as a pet such as ferrets, cats, dogs, horses, and some species of rabbits.

Why do rabbits and rats have digestive systems?

Because - just like any other animal - their bodies need to convert the food they eat into energy !

Can a bunny eat a hamburger?

No. Rabbits are herbivores; they can't properly digest meat, so they shouldn't be fed any. They're vegan. Rabbits have unusual and sensitive digestive systems. If they aren't fed the right diet, they will get sick and die.