

How are raccoons dangerous?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Raccoons do not target humans for attack unless they are rabid. However, as with any wild animal, they will defend themselves if teased or threatened. In that case they can quickly do a lot of serious damage to a human. If infected with rabies or other diseases or parasites they can transmit these to humans. Better to not provoke a raccoon or attempt to touch or catch one.

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14y ago

Racoons are usually dangerous when you back them into a corner just like any animal. They also can carry multiple diseases that can harm and are sometimes fatal to humans.

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13y ago

Those little guys have rabies, sharp teeth, and God knows what else! I'd try to keep away from them as most as i can.

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If left alone, raccoons are pretty much harmless unless they happen to have rabies. However, if cornered with no escape they have sharp teeth and claws and know how to use them.

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It's dangerous to pick up raccoons on your own because these animals are aggressive, with a high chance of you getting bitten. It is better to leave it to the professionals like The Critter Guy, a pest control here in Canada.

Is a scratch from a raccoon dangerous?

A scratch from a raccoon can potentially be dangerous due to the multiple diseases that raccoons can transmit (such as rabies). Anytime you are scratched or bitten by a wild animal you should be examined by a doctor or health professional.

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Raccoons are animals. The kingdom is Animalia.