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Q: How are reindeer antlers similar to fingerprints?
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How are reindeer antlers similar to human fingerprint?

They are similar to human foot prints have

How are reindeer antlers similar to a human fingerprint?

They are similar to human foot prints have

Do boy and girl reindeer both have antlers?

Girl reindeer do have antlers. Reindeer or caribou are the only species of deer where both males and females have antlers.

Do reindeer have antlers?

Male reindeer shed their antlers at the end of the mating season in early December. Females, however, keep their thinner antlers throughout the winter.

Do male reindeer have antlers?

Yes,male reindeer do have antlers.

What is unusual about female reindeer?

They have antlers.

Do Santa's reindeer have antlers?


How big are reindeer antlers?


Does Rudolph have antrelers?

Yes, Rudolph is a reindeer. As adults, reindeer have antlers.

Do all reindeer have antlers?

Another name for reindeer is caribou, which is what they are called in most of North America. Unlike other types of deer, all reindeer have antlers once they are old enough to grow them.

Did the reindeer vixen have antlers?

No, only male deer have antlers although it is extremely rare to have a female deer with antlers. ^^Actually, since all they are REINDEER, they all have antlers. Male and female. But, male reindeer drop their antlers in early winter, while females retain theirs until early spring. So ACTUALLY, all his reindeer are female.

Why do reindeer antlers turn white?

a male reindeer's antlers turn white during mating season to attract a mate or if they are hurt or in pain