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The name "starfish" and "mountain lion" are both misnomers. A starfish is not a fish and a mountain lion is not a lion. So I guess they are similar in that their names are misleading. Although a mountain lion is much more related to a lion than a starfish is to a fish. Mountain lions share the same Family name with lions, Felidae.

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Q: How are starfish and mountain lions the same?
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Yes they are.

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Cougars, pumas, and mountain lions are all the same wild cats. Cougars are pumas and mountain lions, pumas are cougars and mountain lions, and mountain lions are cougars and pumas. It is one type of wild cat that can be called three names!!THEY ARE ALL THREE THE SAME!!! :)Does that answer your question? I hope so! :)

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They are both large cats.

Are mountain lions and lions the same?

No. Any other questions about lions, I'll answer. If u want more info, tell me. haha

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acually, yes,yes they are

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Of course, mountain lions live.

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Is mountain lion a predator?

Mountain lions are big cats with usually tan fur, and they eat meat, preferrably deer. Cougars sometimes called Mountain Lions like to eat deer, sheep, domestic cattle, horses, , particularly in the northern part of its range, but it eats things as small as insects and rodents