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Lions are carnivores, or animals that only eat meat. If you were to inspect a lion's mouth (which is not logical unless you're very experienced...), you'd find that its teeth are extremely sharp and good for shredding meat into bite size shards. The teeth would also look extremely powerful as they would have to be in order to crush the bones of larger animals. The average diet of a lion would consist of: mostly herbivoric animals.

Horses are herbivores, or animals that only eat vegetables. Their teeth are flat and good for grinding up the food that they eat.

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13y ago

pigs eat a lot of vegetation, roughage and only rarely eat small rodents so they have more molar teeth than us to ground up their food to make their food easier to digest

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Q: How are the pigs teeth adapted to its diet?
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How are the pig's teeth seem to be adapted o its diet?

Pigs have rounded teeth that are adapted to their diet of plant material and soft meats. Pigs are not carnivores so they don't need sharp teeth.

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How meany teeth do guinea pigs have?

Guinea Pigs have 20 teeth. (:

Why would guinea pigs loose their teeth?

guinea pigs will sometimes break teeth off. since they constantly grow make sure to feed them soft lettuce and other foods they can handle until they grow back. guinea pigs cannot store vitamin c and broken teeth are usually a reflection of scurvy, or a vitamin c defficiency. The website below has information on teeth and other links on how to adjust your pigs diet to get them better. :)

What is a tooth adapted for cutting?

Incisor teeth are adapted to cut.

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They adapted to what they eat because their teeth get really tough and strong

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They adapted to what they eat because their teeth get really tough and strong

Can front teeth of guinea pigs grow again?

yes. a guinea pigs teeth are always growing.

Why do guinea pigs have teeth?

They need teeth to eat.

How can you take of a guinea pigs teeth?

Guinea Pigs are Rodents, and their teeth are always growing. Provide them with materials to gnaw on, and they will take care of their own teeth.