

How big is a mbuna cichlid?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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Mbuna cichlids will grow as large as their tank allows them to, just like other captive fish. The Mbuna cichlid comes in several varieties.

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How big do mbuna cichlids get?

There are several cichlids that come under the general name of Mbuna. I believe they are all fairly large fish growing to around 7 or 8 inches . A large tank is required as is very alkaline, hard water.

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How big is a mbuna cichild?

5 - 10 cm long

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Fredy Mbuna was born on 1979-03-06.

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Yes, it is common to feed vegetable matter to Malawi cichlids (especially Mbuna). You can feed them cucumber, spinach, lettuce, peas (shelled), zucchini, etc. Feed a good quality flake/pellet food daily but veggies can be used to supplement the diet.

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Yes it is a type of fish in Africa, although not exactly a species. It is a family of certain species of cichlid.The name mbuna means "rock fish" in the language of the Tonga people of Malaw.

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Featherfin cichlid was created in 1898.