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I definatly wouldn't advise using a wire hamster wheel as a hamster can get its legs in between the wheel when running.

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Q: How can you put a wire cage hamster wheel in a solid cage?
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How do you tire my hamster out so she cant make noise and I can sleep I have her in a fish tank and she has a silent wheel but its not silent and she scratches at the insulation and I cant sleep?

I had this exact problem with my hamster, but mine was in a wire cage. Originally I took the wheel off at night time, so that it didn't wake me up, however after a time I realised this was pretty unfair on the hamster as hamsters are nocturnal, and so are most active at night. The hamster needs the exercise and so by taking the wheel of I was depriving it of that. In the end I decided to move the hamsters cage in the room next door and shut the door. It was much quieter, and didn't make much difference as I could always go next door to play with it. Its the best idea because then the hamster gets the exercise and you get the sleep. Everyone wins.

Do hamsters make noise?

The only noise I can remember hearing from a hamster is the spinning of the wheel. Although it may not be uncommon to hear a slight squealing occasionally. I found this info about hamster noises: "Sometimes you will hear a single small squeak. We believe that the hamster is calling to another hamster in the hamstery, but a lone hamster is still know to make this noise. Also you may hear a 'terrible squealing when you put your hand in to handle a new hamster. This means that the hamster is afraid. It will not usually bite while it is making this noise. Pick up the hamster gently and cup it in your hands. It will gradually stop. It may take several days to stop it making this noise when you go into its cage but it will stop as it gets used to its cage and you. Some colours are renown for making this squealing noise, particularly YELLOW."

Do hamsters need a salt wheel if they lick the cage?

Yes, but it depends which type you mean. The wheel with the slotted holes in can kill the hamster by braking it's little feet. But the wheel without holes on a smooth, round surface is safe for them. (Unless you spin him until you never stop! That can give it a heart attack!)

Can hamsters chew through metal?

If the hamster is chewing the bars of the cage, nothing as long as you keep an eye on the cage bar and make sure that the hamster is not eating through the cage! If it is chewing the cage bars it's a sign that he wants to come out. However if your mean that you are feeding him wire then stop cos it'll get caught in the hamsters throat or organs and cause a very traumatic death!

When my hamster walks she is squealing and holding 1 leg up what can you do you think its broke?

Your hamster could have got a bad sprain or a bad bruise. Feel around her leg and if you feel a broken bone, bring it to the vet. Only the vet can deal with tiny broken bones. If you don't feel anything broken, then the only answer could be a sprain or bruise. The most common reason is the wheel. If it is an open-barred wheel (it has holes in it) the hamster could have tripped on one of the holes and bruised the leg. Get a closed hamster wheel and make an appointment for the vet. Just to make sure.

Related questions

Can a hamster lose toes without having a wire wheel in the cage?

no it can not

Why is a plastic cage appropriate for a hamster?

The best kind of cage you can get for your hamster is a wire cage with a plastic bottom. It is well ventilated and the hamster can climb.

Which Cage Is Right For A short haired hamster?

A wire cage with a plastic bottom.

Can you use a rat cage for a hamster?

Yes, you can use a fish tank as hamster cage and it works really well ~ better than some of the wire cages because there is no chance of the hamster's feet getting caught in the wire. The tanks are easy to clean and provide a lot of room for a wheel and toys for your hamsters. Just make sure to get the wire lids that are made for the tank and tank clips if your wheel or toys are very tall.

Can hamsters break through wire?

Usually it will depend on the type of hamster you get, but they are smart enough to not chew on the wood cage. If you still feel uncomfortable about a wood cage get them a wood piece for them to chew on. But the best thing for them is a plastic starter kit from Petco, not only does it come with a wheel, water bottle, but it also gives you food, treats, and bedding. for me a plastic cage would be much better.

What cage you should your hamster in?

Put them in a stinking fish aquarium. those stupid little escape artists will escape the cruddy little wire ones. i had 6 hamsters every one in a wire hamster cage escaped.

If you have a cat what kind of hamster cage do you need?

the best cage for a hamster (if you have a cat) would be a plastic one not a wire cage. but still keep the cage away from your cat as much as you can so the cat doesn't knock it over or something.

Can hamsters get bumble foot?

Yes they can. To prevent that from occurring never house a hamster in a cage that has wire floors, and keep the cage clean and dry.

What is a hamster cage?

Its a small or kind of big cage with a plastic bottom and wire top. You put bedding in it and toys. Then a hamster. Go on google images and you can see one. Wow dude. You didn't know that? What part didn't you get? HAMSTER, OR CAGE??????? Yea I'm sorry but that was a gay question. Whats a hamster cage? Really!

Can a hamster live in a box?

No, they will chew through it. Get a 10 gallon tank or a wire cage.

Is there a way to get tubes to come out of a wire hamster cage?

Habitrail creates tubes that connect wire cages and tubes together

If your hamster gives birth in a wire cage.. will the babies survive?

Yes but watch close because the babies can sometimes get through the cage