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Through ongoing natural selection a population adapts to its enviroment

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Q: How could natural selection affect the songs that birds sing?
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How could this be an advantage to the insects how could this trait have evolved through natural selection?

Well this could be an advantage to the insects because the insects can conceal with the color of the sticks. This trait could have evolved the through natural selection because its a chance of staying alive.

How did the ideas of Alfred Russell Wallace cpare to Darwin's ideas about natural selection and evolu tion?

Very closely in natural selection, but in some drivers of evolution, such as sexual selection, Wallace and Darwin disagreed on the fine points. Wallace could not accept female choice in sexual selection when Darwin posited this concept. Lively exchanges in letters were held over this disagreement.

Charles Darwin concluded that in similar environments around the world could produce similar structures in unrelated species?

Natural selection

Who were Darwins supporters in this scientific debate?

About 99.9% of all educated scientists. The field of biology could no longer progress without the understanding of evolution via natural selection.

How did Darwins theory of natural selection influence the way in which people viewed the world?

One of the key ways in which Darwin's theory of Natural Selection changed the way viewed the world is that at the time it was a very very religious society. They would have been taught their whole lives that God had created the universe and everything in it. But now Darwin had found proof of evolution which went against what they had always known, resulting in confusion, fear, denial, anger and fear. Hope this helps!

Related questions

What type of natural selection could have produced birds with these two extreme types of beaks?

The description of extreme beak types suggests disruptive selection, where individuals with either extreme of the trait are favored over the intermediate forms. This could occur if there are distinct ecological niches that benefit birds with specific beak shapes. Recommended: โ‚•โ‚œโ‚œโ‚šโ‚›://gโ‚’โ‚œแตฃโ‚’โ‚šแตขโ‚›โ‚—แตขโ‚˜.cโ‚’โ‚˜/#โ‚ffโ‚Œแตฅแตขโ‚–โ‚โ‚›bโ‚bbโ‚แตฃโ‚€โ‚€โ‚

Which evolutionary mechanisms could affect allele frequencies in a population being maintained in captivity?

natural selection, genetic drift, and mutation

Which of the following is the most powerful evolutionary force in large populations over time?

Only natural selection could be the answer here as natural selection is the main driver of adaptive change leading to evolutionary change and speciation in large populations.

How could this be an advantage to the insects how could this trait have evolved through natural selection?

Well this could be an advantage to the insects because the insects can conceal with the color of the sticks. This trait could have evolved the through natural selection because its a chance of staying alive.

How is natural selection used in artificial selection?

Natural variation in artificial selection is used because humans choose from among the naturally occurring variation s in species. Natural selection is related to species fitness because Darwin called natural selection survival of the fittest because those that could survive would carry their species on there for being the naturally selected.

How is natural variations used in artificial selection?

Natural variation in artificial selection is used because humans choose from among the naturally occurring variation s in species. Natural selection is related to species fitness because Darwin called natural selection survival of the fittest because those that could survive would carry their species on there for being the naturally selected.

Who is the founder and co-founder of Darwin's theory natural selection?

Charles Darwin is the founder, or creator, of the theory of natural selection. The co-founder could be considered Alfred Russel Wallace.

What factors could be important for a species to evolve by natural selection?

Environmental change and variation :)

Why would natural selection not occur in population?

It has not reached carrying Capacity

How does natural selection help us cope with a changing world?

It could prevent some polution

What did Darwin propose by saying that over a long natural selection could lead to?

Darwin proposed that, over a long period of time, naturall selection could lead to the formation of new species.

How could natural selection result in a change to relative numbers of solid and striped fish?
