

How ddt enter human body?

Updated: 7/1/2024
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14y ago

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it simply happens due to the process named biomagnification

as it enters fishes in lower tropic level then it moves along the food chain but its toxicity increases as it moves above tropic level.

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3w ago

DDT can enter the human body through ingestion of contaminated food or water, inhalation of contaminated air, or through skin contact with contaminated surfaces. Once in the body, DDT can accumulate in tissues and be stored in fat cells, leading to potential long-term health effects.

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12y ago

it can effect miggronisms in your brain cause damage to your heart and is found in cigarretes

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How does an animal living hundreds of kilometers from an area sprayed with DDT might get DDT in its body?

Many animals migrate at specific times of the year. An organism with DDT in its tissues may migrate a distance from the area it was sprayed; it may be consumed by a carnivore that would store a higher concentration of DDT in its body tissue. Migrating birds can carry DDT in their bodies even though they inhabit and can be consumed in an ecosystem that is distant from the one that is sprayed. The peregrine falcon is a species of bird found to have high concentrations of DDT in its body. The habitat of the falcon is quite broad, ranging from the North American boreal forest to areas of the southern United States. Falcon prey on organisms in areas where use of DDT is still prevalent, then migrate to areas where the use of DDT has been banned.

What is DDT and why does it accumulate in the body?

DDT is a synthetic pesticide that was widely used in the past but has since been banned in many countries due to its harmful effects on the environment and human health. DDT can accumulate in the body through various means, including ingestion, inhalation, and skin contact, and once absorbed, it is stored in fatty tissues where it can persist for years.

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minerals enter the human body through the blood vessels. The food that we eat enters ouir blood stream ant therefor transport the minerals were they are needed

How does DDT affect human beings?

DDT can have harmful effects on human health, including potential carcinogenic and endocrine-disrupting properties. Exposure to DDT has been linked to issues such as developmental delays, reproductive issues, and increased risk of certain cancers. It is important to avoid exposure to DDT through contaminated food or environmental sources to protect human health.

How does DDT get from the body of a mother sea lion into the body of her pup after the pup is born?

DDT, which is a toxic pesticide, transfers from a mother sea lion to a pup through nursing. Even if the pup is not directly exposed to the DDT, it can be indirectly exposed through its mother's milk.

What body tissue is DDT stored in humans?

DDT is mainly stored in the adipose (fat) tissue in humans. It can persist in the body for a long time due to its fat solubility and slow metabolism, leading to potential bioaccumulation over time.

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