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You can train your puppy like any other dog, but since it is a puppy and they like to have fun, try makeing training a game!(also try to train them at a young age, that way they have a better chance of being a good dog in the years to come).

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Q: How do I train a miniature Pincher puppy?
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How do you spell '' miniature pincher?

The correct spelling is "Miniature Pinscher."

How old should a miniature pincher be before giving them away?

a miniature pincher or any other dog that is should be 6 weeks at the least

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They are mutts. A miniature pincher mixed with a rottweiler will produce miniature rottweilers.

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miniature pincher

Is it hard to train a miniature dachshund?

no, not really they may be but the majority of them are easy to train very good house dog or puppy.

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The Miniature Doberman Pincher.

Will a miniature pincher die if it breaks both back legs and won't get vet help?

yes. that is abuse.

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a society which is small is a miniature society....... in a way a train can be a miniature society....

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A Miniature Doberman Pincher pup looks like a Chihuahua!

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Well there are four, the first is a Miniature Schnauzer, second miniature or toy poodle, third shih-tzu, and fourth is a Boston terrier puppy.

How do you spell circuit train in French?

A circuit train (toy train) is "un train miniature" or "un petit train" in French.

Does Dane Cook have any pets?

Yes. Dane Cook has a pet puppy/dog. He has a miniture pincher named Beast.