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Actually if we were to sit on a power line and not touch anything else like the birds do we would not get electrocuted.The current a flow of electrons,flows along a path of least resistance the electrons want to get to where they are going in the easiest possible way.

Electricity flows from one voltage to another value of voltage. For the birds, the power lines have the same voltage -- so the birds are safe. Don't approach power lines, because humans come from the ground, which is a sink for the current.

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1. no lightning

2. wire is covered with a rubberish stuff.

3. neither do you

4. you're welcome.

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Q: How do birds not get electrocuted on power lines?
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How come birds can land on power lines without being electrocuted?

The high voltage is between one wire and the other. From one point on the wire to another point on the same wire, the voltage is quite insignificant. As long as the birds don't touch both wires, nothing much will happen. The wire does not have a difference in voltage from foot to foot. The term "high voltage" refers from wire to ground. Electricity flows down a voltage gradient. There is no gradient of voltage between the feet.

Why do big birds get killed by power lines but little birds don't?

The wingspan on a big bird is large enough to touch two wires at once. Any difference in voltage between the wires will cause current to flow through the bird, perhaps killing it. Small birds can only touch one wire at a time.

Why don't birds get electrocuted while sitting on power lines?

Birds don't get electrocuted on power lines because they do not create a path for electricity to flow. Since they are not touching the ground or anything else to complete a circuit, the electricity simply passes harmlessly through their bodies. Additionally, birds' feet are spread apart when they sit on power lines, which helps prevent the electricity from flowing through them.

Why don't squirrels get electrocuted on power lines?

Squirrels don't get electrocuted on power lines because they don't provide a path to ground for the electricity to flow through their bodies. Their body doesn't complete the circuit like a human would if they touched a power line and the ground simultaneously. Additionally, a squirrel's body is naturally insulated by fur, which helps protect them from electric shocks.

How can you prevent birds from landing on power lines?

Birds landing on power lines can be prevented by installing bird deterrents such as spikes, coils, or nets on the power lines. Scare tactics like visual deterrents or noise-emitting devices can also be effective. Planting tall trees near the power lines can encourage birds to roost away from the area.

Related questions

Why do birds get electrocuted on power lines?

Usually they don't.

How crow does not get electrocuted when it sit on the electric power lines?

Birds perching on power lines do not get electrocuted because they are not completing a circuit by touching another conductor. The power lines are insulated and the birds' legs are not close enough together to create a path for electricity to flow through their bodies.

Why do birds sitting on a power line not get electrocuted?

Birds do not get electrocuted when sitting on power lines because they are not completing a circuit for electricity to flow through. The electricity in power lines travels in a closed loop, and birds are not grounded so there is no path for the electricity to flow through them. Additionally, most power lines are insulated to prevent electricity from leaking out.

Can birds get electrocuted if they come in contact with two wires?

Yes, birds can get electrocuted if they come in contact with two wires that have an electric current flowing through them. The electricity can create a path of least resistance through the bird's body, causing injury or death. It's important to take precautions to prevent birds from being exposed to live wires.

How come birds can land on power lines without being electrocuted?

The high voltage is between one wire and the other. From one point on the wire to another point on the same wire, the voltage is quite insignificant. As long as the birds don't touch both wires, nothing much will happen. The wire does not have a difference in voltage from foot to foot. The term "high voltage" refers from wire to ground. Electricity flows down a voltage gradient. There is no gradient of voltage between the feet.

When birds stand on power lines and don't get hurt it's most likely because of?

OtaGamer Says: The reason that birds don't get hurt on power lines is because they put both of their feet on the wire at the exact same time. Therefore, the electricity passes through one leg and up out of the other. If they lifted up one of their legs, they would be electrocuted and die.

Why do big birds get killed by power lines but little birds don't?

The wingspan on a big bird is large enough to touch two wires at once. Any difference in voltage between the wires will cause current to flow through the bird, perhaps killing it. Small birds can only touch one wire at a time.

Why does some power lines have red plastic balls attached to them?

That is to warn birds so that large flock of birds do not fly into the power lines. Also helicopters.

Can birds touch one another when there on power lines?

The answer is yes they can touch one another when there on power lines

How birds sitting on the wire?

you have to be incontact with the ground to get electrocuted!

Why don't birds get electrocuted while sitting on power lines?

Birds don't get electrocuted on power lines because they do not create a path for electricity to flow. Since they are not touching the ground or anything else to complete a circuit, the electricity simply passes harmlessly through their bodies. Additionally, birds' feet are spread apart when they sit on power lines, which helps prevent the electricity from flowing through them.

Why don't squirrels get electrocuted on power lines?

Squirrels don't get electrocuted on power lines because they don't provide a path to ground for the electricity to flow through their bodies. Their body doesn't complete the circuit like a human would if they touched a power line and the ground simultaneously. Additionally, a squirrel's body is naturally insulated by fur, which helps protect them from electric shocks.