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Because they are hunters and meat eaters and need them for killing prey and ripping the carcass apart

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15y ago

The canines are mainly for grasping and catching, but can also be used to tear chunks off the kill.

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Q: How do canine teeth help a lion to eat meat?
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Do carnivores have rounded teeth?

Most herbivores don't have canine teeth. Horses do.

What do canine teeth help us to do?

tear and ripe things like meat and such just like your molars help grind your food....

Why are the canine teeth in wolves sharper than the canine of deer?

The teeth of wolves are designed for eating meat, so they have to be sharp. Deer do not eat meat so their teeth do not have to be sharp.

Where canine teeth got their name?

Canine teethe get their name from the charictoristics of an animals teeth taht are used for tearing and gripping food.

How long do you wait until the canine teeth can pulled out?

Forever... canine teeth should not be pulled out. You will not be able to chew meat well.

What is the dentition for animals with canine teeth?

Carnivores, the meat eaters of the animal world, have very defined canine teeth for tearing meat also combined with a sometimes limited number of molars

What does a canine tooth do to your food?

Canine teeth are also called fangs or dogteeth. They are used to hold prey in the mouth so it be torn and eaten.

Why do owls have sharp claws?

The leopard has 32 teeth (three types - canine, carnassial and incisors). Leopards have sharp teeth in which to grab onto their prey. They have four long pointed canine teeth which are about 2 inches long. The carnassial teeth have sharp edges to cuff off pieces of meat. The incisors are used to tear off bits of meat from bones.

How are the teeth of lion?

The teeth of lion are sharp,Because in order to tear the skin and to chew the meat.

What do coinine teeth do?

Canine teeth tear meat and other foods. They may also be used as weapons.

How are lion teeth different from human teeth?

because lions are meat eaters with sharp teeth

What does a creature eat if it has sharp pointed square and flat teeth?

Sharp teeth are for eating meat, flat teeth are for eating plants, vegetables, etc. Ex: Canine teeth on humans are for meat, molar teeth are for plants