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Generally, they can't. But all it takes is one wild bird with lice flying over your chicken pen to drop a louse ready to lay eggs close enough to your chicken that it can get on the chicken and lay eggs for you to have an infestation.

The best preventative is for your chickens to have a good place for your chickens to dust-bathe, and to add both wood ashes and diatomaceous earth (the food grade type, NOT the pool type, as the pool type is poisonous!) to the dirt in their dustbathing area. Dustbathing is a chicken's natural prevention method, and it usually works very well.

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Q: How do chickens get lice if no contact with other birds?
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Can chicken give chicken lice?

Yes, chickens can give Chicken Lice. Chicken Lice is a popular parasite among birds. but only if they touch each other

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Pubic lice and other STDs are spread by sexual contact. Pubic lice may also be spread by close contact or sharing clothes.

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Birds do not have head lice, however, they may have mites.

Do chickens have fleas or ticks or any other type of parasites?

Chickens have external parasites like mites, lice, chiggers, foul ticks, etc. I don't know about fleas.

Can a person get lice from birds?

No because humans don't usually live around birds or get close to them

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yes mice can carry lice and when this mice passes another the contact of the fur will pass the bug.

If you have sunscreen in your hair will you get lice?

no. you can only get lice from coming into contact with fabric or another material that is infected with lice.

Can you get pubic lice if you're a virgin?

Head lice can "get into" just about anywhere on your body, but they are not likely to stay anywhere other than your head. Hence the name head lice.

Can you get lice from a bird?

yes you can because i studied it in science some of it comes from birds if you birds but you have to like take showers for theme or a meditionfor bird lice thanks

Where are body lice usually found?

Body lice should be looked for in the seams of the patient's clothing. Body lice is also found in birds.

Can chickens give chicken lice to humans?

They can and they can appear quite healthy and have them too. Most feed stores sell a good organic dusting powder for treatment of chickens with lice. Just dusting the straw or woodchips in the chicken coop will suffice. If you notice a spot around the yard where the birds regularly take dust baths, sprinkle some of the powder there also. Chemical dusting powders are also effective and available.