

How do i know if my duck egg is alive?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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15y ago

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A week after your duck lays her eggs, you can take them in the dark and quickly flash them with a flashlight. If they are alive then you will see a dark area inside an otherwise clear egg. "At about seven days after setting, candle the eggs and remove any eggs that are infertile (clear) or have dead germ (cloudy)"( Info taken from:

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14y ago

Mallard ducks will lay their eggs over a few days and when they are done, the hen will start staying on the nest so they hatch about the same time. If the eggs have been there for more than a week and no hen in sight, the eggs are duds. Our Hen had 6 eggs, 2 hatched and she was with those two from then on. The other four eggs remained in the nest and she never returned. They were duds. She stayed at the pond and slept with those two at the pond for the next 6 weeks, never returning to the nest.

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Q: How do i know if my duck egg is alive?
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No, a baby duck egg that is cold is not alive. Because the little egg with the baby duckling inside needs heat and warmth to survive. They are just like humans without air they can't breathe and without warmth they could freeze to death and without food they could starve to death. So no if a little duckling egg is cold it is not alive.

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Most duck eggs are larger than a chicken egg. PoultryTalk's Response: Smell the egg, duck eggs have a scent chicken eggs dont. Also most are glossy and sometimes they are a greenish color. Also duck eggs are usually thicker.

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My duck laid an egg which has a real little crack.. My female duck died on Sunday after laying the egg. I did not know she laid an egg and on on Tuesday I found the egg. Is it still alive?

It would still be viable but the crack in the egg will probably render it useless for hatching. Cracks in eggs allow bacteria and disease to enter the fertilized eggs and effect the viability. Most cracked eggs do not make it to full hatch.

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The egg would be no good once it has been cracked.

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a duck doen't get pregnant they lay eggs and there is no way you can tell until she lays the egg

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Duck eggs blue is simply a blue duck egg which is natural you canot make it it just happens when a duck lays an egg xx