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it could be the smallest recycler. Eats leafs,fruits,flowers,and tubers. Live in central and south America, also lives in the rainforest.

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Q: How do leaf cutter ants protect themselves?
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What is the relationship between the phorid fly and the leaf cutter ant?

Food source and pest protection describe the respective ways that leaf cutter ants and fungi benefit from their relationship. The relationship gets called mutualism because the interaction does no harm to either party. Leaf cutter ants inoculate leaves with fungi before colony meals and supply bacteria from their skins to protect the fungi from lethal pests.

Based on this picture which observation can be made about leaf-cutter ants?

they have the ability to transport leaves they can carry objects larger than themselves

How do leaf cutting ants carry the leaf?

The Same Way They Cut Them With Their Large Pinchers They Hold It Above there Heads...Able To Make A Human Bleed... Though Different Cutter Ants Have Different Jobs...

How many ants are in a leaf cutter ant colony?

How many thousands or millions of ants are in a colony depends on at least 3 separate things: how old the colony is, how many other ant colonies there are in that part of the jungle or forest, sharing the available food supply, and how many ant-eaters - or other predators of ants - live in that location!

How long do black ants live for?

There are about 47 different species of leaf cutter ants discovered so far. Their life expectancy would differ depending on their exact species, other than environmental dangers such as predators.The average lifespan of a worker leaf cutter is about one or two years. The lifespan of the queen however is fifteen to twenty years.Related Link:Leaf-Cutting Ant information, via Cincinnati ZooRelated Video: