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Plants cells retain their shape using a cell wall whereas animals cells retain shape with their cell membranes.

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Q: How do plants cells retain their shape compare to how animals cells retain to there shape?
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Are there cells that are in plants but not in animals?

There are cells in both plants and animals.

Is centrioles in plant cells?

NO plants do not have centrioles, but have a spindle closely identical to the Animals

How are the cellular activities of plants and animals different?

the cellular activity in plants and animals are diffrebt because the plants have diffrent cells to animals for example plants have a cell called dermal cells and animals have red/white blood cells

How are animal cells different from plants cells?

plant cells are in plants and animal cells are in animals

Do eukaryotic have plants and animals cells?

yes they do

Do plants and animals both have plastid?

Animals cells do not have plastid but plants do.

Why do plants have cell and animals do not?

Animals do have cells.

Do animals and plants have cells?

Totally, there are definitely cells in plants and animals, but they are very different. In a plant, the cells are in a square shape. In animals, the cells are round. Hope this helps you whoever you are lol!

Why do you think cells are so specialized and complex in plants and animals?

Cells are so specialized to carry out all the complex functions in animals and plants.

How does knowing that plant cells have chloroplasts and that animals cells do not help you compare the way plants and animals get food?

Chloroplasts indicate an organism with the ability to preform photosynthesis and is classified as an autotroph; producer. Animals can not produce their own food and are classified as heterotrophs; consumers.

Where do cells live?

The cells live in the live bodies of both the plants and animals. The cells can only live in the bodies of the live animals and plants.

Does animal cells have mitochondria?

Plants and animals share many similarities and differences in the cells they have. Both plants and animals have mitochondria cells present.