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Plants such as cacti survive by having spines on them to defend them from animals, have wide spread roots to get as much water as possible and have thick skin to lose as small water as possible. This is how cacti survive, and i assume other plants would have to do something similar to survive in a desert.

Plants survive in the desert by holding the water, as a supply
Plants like cacti can survive in the desert. This is because they have the ability to store their own water.

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8y ago
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9y ago

most desrt plant have well developed vascular tissue and a very deep root system to absorb water from the soil. In some plants specialized cells of velamen tissue are also present to absorb moisture from the air.

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15y ago

they are often C2 photosynthetic plants and this particular way of photosynthesis allows the plants to take in carbon doxide at night and keep its stomatas shut during the day so it doesn't lose water in the heat and still photosynthesize

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14y ago

The fibrous, shallow roots of the desert cactus plant collect water. They spread out quickly and widely in search of below ground water. They're helped by the cactus' modified leaves.

Cactus leaves are modified into thorns, spines, spikes, quills, prongs, or bristles. They have a leaner, narrower, thinner look than the typical leaves of deciduous plants. With their smaller surface area, they lose less water to evaporation. They also manage to direct moisture down to the ground. There, the drops seep into the soil, where they can be taken up by the cactus roots.

Cactus roots also are helped by the cactus' stem. The cactus stem is thick on the outside, and full of juicy flesh on the inside. It's responsible for moving, processing and handling water, nutrient solutions, and energizing photosynthetic products. It's the storage area for the plant's water.

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13y ago

Some plants have shallow, wide spread root systems for gathering as much water as possible, and some have deep root systems.

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11y ago

Plants have long roots so they could reach water underground

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12y ago

because they store water like a camel does

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11y ago

it rains a little in the desert so the cactus keeps its water to its own

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9y ago

Desert plants get their water from the soil in which they are planted through their root system.

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Q: How do plants live in the desert with little water?
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i don't know, but i can tell you this by looking at the list at the international flora record organization's list of the sahara (note i will not say sahara desert because sahara means desert) is well over 5,000.