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I am a snake keeper and avid student of all things reptile. There is no known species of snake that can not swim. Many land snakes spend a lot of time in the water including the larger heavier varieties such as the Anaconda, Burmese and Reticulated Pythons, etc. Snakes are, by design, well suited to swimming. They are buoyant and move swiftly in the water using the same muscles they use to move across dry land. Even snakes that are originally from the desert areas take right to water. I know because I have a Desert Phase California King Snake that loves taking baths in deep tubs. Snakes are amazing creatures that are worth getting to know.

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12y ago
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1mo ago

Snakes move on land by concertina movement, pushing against obstacles to propel themselves forward. In water, they use lateral undulation, making S-shaped curves along their body to push against the water and swim efficiently.

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15y ago

Well, sort of. There are sea snakes, they're not eels as they still need to surface to breathe. And while they would survive on land they're fairly dedicated sea creatures. Then there's the anaconda that also spend quite some time in the water and is outright sluggish on dry land. Most land snakes can swim if needed, and some will go hunting for frogs and suchlike in the water every now and then.

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7y ago

Most snakes are capable of staying underwater for periods of time. However, watersnakes and large river snakes (anacondas, reticulated pythons) both can stay underwater much longer than average. Since snakes are exothermic (get heat from outside their body) and can do anaerobic cellular respiration, their energy and therefore oxygen needs are much lower than average. This allows them to stay in warm tropical fresh or salt water for significant periods of time.

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14y ago

Yes; that is, they did both. The first animals to live exclusively on land, the amphibians, had offspring that became snakes and reptiles and dinosaurs. But some of the land-dwelling snakes eventually went back to the water. They still need to breathe air, but they spend the great majority of their life in the water.

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11y ago

they move in and out of the water by slithering and using their muscels.

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13y ago

Water snakes live up north in lakes somewhere where they can swim. Water snakes can not breathe underwater but can close their nostrills to keep out that water.

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14y ago

It depends on what type of snake you mean, there are snakes that spend their entire lives in the water and their are some that never go in the water.

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11y ago

Many snakes are compatible with water. Two that immediately come to mind are:

1. The Water Moccasin,

2. The Anaconda.

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13y ago

very few species of snake, (im talking maybe a handful) but yes there are sea snakes that are adapted to living in salt water most of which are found in warm water seas

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Q: How do snakes move on land and in water?
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water snakes and land snakes are practically the same. many land snakes are even partitially aquatic. however, in the case of sea snakes, they have flattened tails used as propellers in the water, and massive lungs to hold their breath for long periods. also, sea snakes have much more potent venom then land snakes but are much less aggresive

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Do snakes live in land and water?

Yes. Two of the deadliest snakes in the world live exclusively in the ocean.

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Can land snakes bite in water?

Yes they can. The opening to their lungs is in the form of a muscular tube that can be closed when required. Even snakes that are normally land-dwellers have the ability to bite while in water.

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Do snakes need water in order to reproduce?

No. Snakes and other reptiles generally mate and reproduce on land.

Do adders snakes hunt in water?

No generally not usually in marsh land

Do snakes live in water?

Yes, some species of snakes are semi-aquatic and can be found living in water for parts of their lives. Water snakes, sea snakes, and anacondas are examples of snakes that are adapted to living in aquatic environments. However, not all snakes are aquatic, and some prefer to live on land.